Regan James 18 months

On the 5th we had another check up with Dr. K. (Regan’s G.I. doc.) It was a VERY good check up! Regan gained in two months about a pound! Which is huge for him. Dr. K. also said to go ahead and stop his meds. Which we were SO happy about. The pill Regan was fine with (kid is a pro at swallowing pills it’s pretty awesome), but his anti-inflammatory he HATED! (I mean we’d have to pin him down and force feed him the 4mls 2 times a day.) Dr. K also got rid of most of Regan’s medical labels! No more Failure to thrive, Malnourished, Malabsorption, Diarrhea, or Dermatitis (still has non food allergy related skin issues though)! He is down to just allergies, and lack of growth. So this last visit was AWESOME!!!!

He just got done with his 18 month well child check, and shots. Here are his newest Stats:

Weight: 19 lbs 4 oz 0%
Height: 31 inches 14%
Head: 18 1/4 14%

Dr. M (his pediatrician) was very pleased with his progress. Couldn’t ask for more out of her former mystery patient that to see him maintaining his weight, happy (although not so much during the visit. He screamed most of the time.) and healthier.

Regan is such a joy in our home. He loves to terrorize Kaylee, cuddle with Mama, and is ALL about Daddy time.

Regan’s vocabulary:
uh (up working on the “ph” part)
go go
lub oo (love you)
uh dun (all done)
Wesus (Jesus)
Bab (working on the “ushka” it’s hit and miss)
wub wub (rub rub for a wash cloth when done eating)
poop (let’s me know, as if I couldn’t smell it! haha)
iper (diaper when he wants a new one. so nice.)
Why? (screems this while being shot up at the docs. or calmly asks when I tell him to get off the table)
uh oh
ba ba (bottle for a sippy of formula)
nuh nigh (night night)
mmm mmm (when requesting food/complimenting the chef)
tusy (tushie)
ink (drink)
mo (more)
Linus (any of his blankets that he drags around)

There is more. I’ll have to add them as I think of/hear them. He is such a chatty little man.

This kid LOVES LOVES to eat. He will eat ANYTHING! Which can at times be a challenge.
He is a monkey climbing fool. Loves his bath time (We hear “bath bath” tons). Is all about the outdoors. Is fearless (mostly). Super chatty, and an amazing napper/sleeper (compared to Kaylee). Regan is getting so good at saying prayers. And recently did his first solo prayer the other night at dinner (SO SO awesome), and has been a praying fool since (we LOVE it!). He is just so much fun, and we cannot believe that he is a year and a half old and had his first time (he did SO awesome!) at nursery in church! We just LOVE our Regan SO much!


3 thoughts on “Regan James 18 months

  1. Anonymous

    Oh I am so happy that this little man is doing sooooooooo well…… Pat yourselves on the back Janice & Jon..

    Give him a big kiss for me.

    Love you,
    Grandma Sapp


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