Regan James 9 months old

His 9 month WCC stats (8/25/2010):

weight: 14 lbs 14 oz .12%
height: 28 in 36%
head: 17.5 23%

This will be LONG and detailed. I want to get it all down for our family book, and for Regan’s baby book.

So it all started 9 months ago…. the Butt Vomit that is. For his first 6 months we (us & Doc.) thought it was just food allergies. At 4 months his weight gain started to slow. At 6 months we (us and Doc.) became a bit concerned about the slow down and the chronic diarrhea (Butt Vomit, or BV as we call it). He also had real bad eczema. He at that point got his first (of many) blood draws for an allergy test. We found out that he is allergic to wheat and dairy. So I stopped eating those and his skin cleared up. The BV was still going strong. We took him in at 7 months old for his first weight check. These are his weights checks:

4 months old: 13 lbs
6 months old: 13 lbs 11 oz (decided to start solids to help him gain)

These next few are all 2 weeks apart:
7 months old: 14 lbs 7 oz
7 months old: 14 lbs 4 oz (getting real worried)
8 months old: 14 lbs 9 oz (worried, but not panicked. yet)
8 months old: 14 lbs 1 oz (in the dark and twisty place of freaked out crying. Decide to try Nutramigen for 2 weeks and see if that helps.)

These ones are one week apart:
9 months old: one week of formula and he is 15 lbs! (relief! but the BV is still going strong so we start giving him the good Bactria to see if that helps)
9 months old: 14 lbs 7 oz (back in the dark and twisty place of freaked out crying)
9 months old: 14 lbs 11 oz
2 days later at his WCC: 14 lbs 14 oz

As you can see his weight gain is not at all consistent. His eating however is. 6 oz every 3 1/2 – 4 hours. He get’s weighed again on Monday. He has seen 3 different pediatricians at his Doctor’s office. 1 has since moved. 1 is stumped. 1 says don’t panic yet, that some kids just yo-yo their weight at this age. They have given him a Failer to thrive (FTT) diagnosis. (LOTS of panicking AND crying…) All 3 say it’s time to see a pediatric GI specialist. So he has an appointment set for 9/7. We are hoping the specialist will have some answers. Even with all the extra Doctor visit’s and the worry, Regan is such a JOY in our home. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 9 months since we were blessed with our little man. Here is some of his fun:

*He is so active army crawling ALL over the house.
*Cut 2 teeth without our noticing.
*Is eating his formula like a champ. (It was a rough start for me (OUCH!) and him)
*Says, “Dadda” and “Mama”
*Laughs and smiles ALL the time.
*LOVES to talk, talk, talk….
*He know his name.
*Is still a snuggle bug and a Mama’s boy. (I love that I’m his favorite.)

Dearest Regan,
please gain LOTS of weight. And STOP having the BV, bleeding bum, and scaring your parents.
xoxoxo- your Mama & Daddy


5 thoughts on “Regan James 9 months old

  1. Anonymous


    Was so glad that you sent a completed up date on Regan………And will be waiting for Sept 7th report………Bless his little heart, he looks so happy, to have so many problems.

    Kiss him and Kaylee for me.

    Love you four!

    Grandma Sapp

  2. Anonymous

    he looks so happy and healthy for a little guy with so many problems. my prayers are with you to find a you guys.


  3. Sapp soon to be Six

    We are praying for you!!! We had to use Nutramigen with Chase too, but that seemed to work, and he was just a BIG boy!! At least he is a happy little blessing!!!! Things will turn around soon, I’m just sure of it!!! Meanwhile, we are thinking of you!!!
    Chase & Lauren

  4. Shelley Family

    I am so sorry you guys have been through so much with your little one. My friend in California has gone through almost exactly this same thing with Failure to Thrive labels and so forth with her baby. Sounds almost identical. HIs little system has finally started to level out and thrive. We will keep you in our prayers.
    Kiley and John Shelley


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