Category Archives: weight check

Regan James 18 months

On the 5th we had another check up with Dr. K. (Regan’s G.I. doc.) It was a VERY good check up! Regan gained in two months about a pound! Which is huge for him. Dr. K. also said to go ahead and stop his meds. Which we were SO happy about. The pill Regan was fine with (kid is a pro at swallowing pills it’s pretty awesome), but his anti-inflammatory he HATED! (I mean we’d have to pin him down and force feed him the 4mls 2 times a day.) Dr. K also got rid of most of Regan’s medical labels! No more Failure to thrive, Malnourished, Malabsorption, Diarrhea, or Dermatitis (still has non food allergy related skin issues though)! He is down to just allergies, and lack of growth. So this last visit was AWESOME!!!!

He just got done with his 18 month well child check, and shots. Here are his newest Stats:

Weight: 19 lbs 4 oz 0%
Height: 31 inches 14%
Head: 18 1/4 14%

Dr. M (his pediatrician) was very pleased with his progress. Couldn’t ask for more out of her former mystery patient that to see him maintaining his weight, happy (although not so much during the visit. He screamed most of the time.) and healthier.

Regan is such a joy in our home. He loves to terrorize Kaylee, cuddle with Mama, and is ALL about Daddy time.

Regan’s vocabulary:
uh (up working on the “ph” part)
go go
lub oo (love you)
uh dun (all done)
Wesus (Jesus)
Bab (working on the “ushka” it’s hit and miss)
wub wub (rub rub for a wash cloth when done eating)
poop (let’s me know, as if I couldn’t smell it! haha)
iper (diaper when he wants a new one. so nice.)
Why? (screems this while being shot up at the docs. or calmly asks when I tell him to get off the table)
uh oh
ba ba (bottle for a sippy of formula)
nuh nigh (night night)
mmm mmm (when requesting food/complimenting the chef)
tusy (tushie)
ink (drink)
mo (more)
Linus (any of his blankets that he drags around)

There is more. I’ll have to add them as I think of/hear them. He is such a chatty little man.

This kid LOVES LOVES to eat. He will eat ANYTHING! Which can at times be a challenge.
He is a monkey climbing fool. Loves his bath time (We hear “bath bath” tons). Is all about the outdoors. Is fearless (mostly). Super chatty, and an amazing napper/sleeper (compared to Kaylee). Regan is getting so good at saying prayers. And recently did his first solo prayer the other night at dinner (SO SO awesome), and has been a praying fool since (we LOVE it!). He is just so much fun, and we cannot believe that he is a year and a half old and had his first time (he did SO awesome!) at nursery in church! We just LOVE our Regan SO much!


18 lbs 3 oz

(His first time having chili. He LOVED it. I Got lots of “MMMmmm”ing.)

I was SO excited when Regan got weighed on Wednesday. Holey Crap!!! He’s getting BIG! He may even get a new car seat before summer! For awhile we thought he was going to just live in the infant carrier forever. And yes we still carry him in the carrier. It’s just easier for some situations… I’m going to miss grocery shopping with him locked and loaded…………..

He’s doing cool monkey things like climbing and walking. The walking I’ve dubbed “The Drunken Monkey”. Because that’s what it looks like. He’s getting closer to “The Drunken Sailor”. He’ll be running before we know it. (Long video. Not lots of walking. He was just not feeling it…)

This last Monday he had his last does of steroids. YEA! We have a followup appointment next week with Dr. K to re-evaluate and talk about how his bowel movements (we talk poop a lot around here. sorry.) are doing off the roids. If his Butt Vomit comes back then he will go back on the roids and have to get the skin prick test done. We are hoping that his BM’s just continue to improve.

The theory is that the roids will have rebooted his system so much that his food allergies will be gone. GONE!!! If all goes well we don’t have to get the skin prick test done, AND we get to start introducing wheat into his diet!!!!! Cannot even begin to explain how happy that thought makes me. My kitchen life will be SOOO much easier if the roids fixed him enough that he can do wheat. We will hold off on any dairy for a long time.


Regan James 12 months old

So Poor Mister Man had some fun shots at his WCC today. Other than that his appointment was great! Oh, Kaylee & Regan got flu shots too. Kaylee was SO excited to go to the Dr.’s (prizes) and was not pleased by that turn of events.

In the last two weeks Regan has gained 7 ounces!!!!! His B.V. is getting thicker and more like normal BM’s. We are SO happy/excited. He still is not really digesting the solids that he eats so we will see if Dr. K wants to still do the scope and biopsy to figure out why. Dr. M was very pleased with his overall health and improvement from our last visit with her. So YEA!

Today was fun because I get to compare his stats on his actual Birthday.

Weight: 16 lbs 11 oz .20% (creeping closer to the 1%)
Height: 29.5 in 42%
Head: 17.5 in 7%

Weight: 6 lbs 10 oz
Height: 18 in

It’s so nice to see that even with loosing weight he was able to gain 10 lbs this last year. And 11 inches in height. He is so amazing.

He is talking up a storm. His newest additions to his vocabulary:
a dun (all done)

He is real close to walking. Cruising along furniture. Walks while holding hands. Stands up in the middle of the room with no support to get up.

Eats the following solids:
sweet potatoes
green beans
butternut squash
corn tortillas
rice & corn chex
rice cakes
pinto beans
black beans
And he does well and really likes a variety of seasonings (no salt yet) on his food. I am in LOVE with coconut oil as a butter substitute. So yummy, and very buttery tasting when melted. Try it!

This last year went scary fast. Hopefully this next year will be lots slower and we can just enjoy Regan without all the Dr. appointments. Because as much as we love all our Dr.’s we would LOVE to see them LOTS less.

HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY to our littlest Snuggle Bug. We LOVE you SOOOoooo much!!!!!
