Tag Archives: Dance

Kaylee’s first dance recital

This was the best thing ever. I am so proud of how hard Kaylee worked getting ready for her first recital. I love that she has found something that she is passionate about (bonus for me that I LOVE dance too.). She was SO excited every Monday to go to her studio and learn new things. I NEVER had to ask her to practice. Dance class has just been so great for her, and I love that.

Friday afternoon was her dress rehearsal. She and I headed out and Regan ot some one on one grandparent time. Also she looked ridiculously cute in her cover-ups. SO CUTE!


Kaylee and Mama hanging out during rehearsal. IMG_5047 IMG_5049 IMG_5060 IMG_5065 IMG_5084 IMG_5085

Saturday afternoon was the big day. We stole Jack'ee away from the family to come early with us and had some girl time back stage before the performance started.

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IMG_2130Dancing is where being a shorty pays off. They tend to put the shorties up front. Kaylee is in the front row third in from the left.  Regan didn't like that he couldn't tell which one was his sister.IMG_2133

About a month before the recital Kaylee asked me to record her teacher doing the dance so, "I can prakiss it at home Mom."  And practice it she did. EVERY DAY. The thing I love about these two photos it that you can see that she is the only one NOT looking at the teacher off stage. She KNEW her dance. Her timing was OFF, but she knew her dance.

IMG_2134She said she wanted to smile and show everyone how much fun she was having, but she was too busy using her brain to remember her dance. She had to concentrate! HA.

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Curtain call at the end was kinda like a hot mess. Too cute/funny though. IMG_2168 IMG_2174Awesome Jack'ee brought her a rose. So then her Papa and Yaiyai had to get her some flowers too.  She was thrilled that Jack'ee and Jason were able to come and see her dance. I was back stage helping and Kaylee kept asking me if everyone was there. Everyone being Jon, Regan, Papa, Yaiyai, Jack'ee and Jason. She was super worried that they would leave before it was her turn. IMG_2176 IMG_2177 IMG_2179 IMG_2183 IMG_2187I am WAY bummed out that Jon and Regan left early to get the family party all set up and I didn't get a picture of them with Kaylee. Oh, well.

Video of some cuties doing their dance thing.


Tiny Dancer

I think we shall call him, "The Boy Who Cries. A LOT." or equally popular for his current stage of life, "Whinny bum." This kid is giving us some fun emotional whiplash lately. Today he wanted to dance too. We are thinking on it. Kid is going to trip on that lip someday. He has his pout down.




Kaylee has been begging for dance classes, or gymnastics classes, or soccer for a while now. I FINALLY got her to pick ONE. I think we will also be able to swing soccer. Later. We are still adjusting to the new schedule and school.





The studio she goes to offers a free trial class. So she checked it out, and LOVED it. So we signed her up for Jazz/Ballet class. She is having so much fun, and looks way TOO cute in class.












I am really loving having my tiny dancer in actual dance classes. And more importantly she is LOVE LOVE LOVING dance class.