Category Archives: wcc

Regan James 4 months old

Regan is amazing! We all just LOVE our happy boy. He was even happy and chatty standing in the longs lines while I got some errands done right after his shots yesterday. This cute old couple where very impressed with how good he was in the long line at the post office. I didn’t mention that he just got shots. It was a long night due to the ick hitting him, but he is pretty much his normal happy self now. Oh, and he is really starting to get into playing with his toys.

3/22/10 WCC Stats:
Weight: 13 lbs 12%
Height: 25 in 49%
Head: 16 in 11%

We think Regan is going to outgrow his big sis sooner rather than later. He is growing SO fast! And Kaylee grows so slow! She is hovering between 20 and 21lbs. So there is only 7 or so lbs different between these two. CRAZY! I have SO much FUN with my babies!

Regan’s 2 week check

appt. on 11.30.09

Weight 6 lbs 13 oz (8 %)
Height 20 inches (25 %)
Head 13.50 inches (8 %)

Tall and skinny like Kaylee. Happy and healthy. Still looks just like Jon. And still a mellow fellow. Regan only cries when hungry or needs a clean diaper. Kaylee still just LOVES her brother. We are all doing great and getting more sleep than expected.

A family tradition of ours. We climb in our huge bed, turn on the projector, & snuggle for a t.v. show or movie. We do this once or more a week before bed time. This was Regan’s first time, & Kaylee insisted on holding him.

18 month WCC, a new Sling, & Free Diapers!

Jon took Kaylee in for her 18 month WCC and shots yesterday afternoon. She will be 19 months next week so this appointment was a little late. Oh, well. She did great as always with the shots. She even called me to tell me all about it. We were hoping that this appointment would be the last for weight checks… well she goes back in a couple months for another weight check! At least we get a month off from taking her in to get weighed. But she is going in next month to get the second does of both the seasonal and H1N1 flu shots. So Jon will be taking her in for more shots. 🙂 Everything else about her is great. We were really hoping that she would be 20 lbs, but no luck. She just burns her food off faster than we can get it in her!

New stats:
Weight: 19 lbs 1 oz (.49%)
Height: 30 3/4 in (18%)
Head: 18 1/4 in (41%)

New things she says and does:
After diaper changes when we stand her up to put her pants on she likes to point at her Jesus collage and say, “Jesus!” Jon says she sounds like she’s cursing. 🙂 But we both think it’s cute.

She follows my R.S. ladies around the house and helps them with the chores. Their favorite is when she plugs the vacuum in for them and moves the kitchen chairs out of their way while they are sweeping.

She will get a pot and lid out and make food for us. The other day she dumped pretzels in a pot stirred them and said, “yummy!” She then feed me her delicious food.

She says, “pease help me.” We love this. She started saying it by herself one day and got such a good response from us she hasn’t stopped since and only occasionally has to be reminded to be polite.

This cutie pie is doing something funny and new everyday. Way to much for one post so these are just the new favorites. She is such a joy to us!


I got my new Sling in the mail on Tuesday! It is so BEAUTIFUL and fits perfect! I am so looking forward to wearing Regan around in it. Hopefully that day is still a few weeks off. 🙂 Look how pretty it is. THANKS ORA! Oh, and my name is on both slings in fabric pen. I’m not losing my spare arms again!

So this is for all you Mommies out there with kids in diapers. Thursday while Kaylee was at the docs office the UPS man came to our house. Why is this blog worthy you may wonder… well he brought me 80 FREE diapers!!! Yup FREE. Would you like some free diapers??? Silly question I know. 🙂 Here is how I got free diapers. As I’ve typed so much already I’ll just give you the link. This is one of my favorite sites. Go here for instructions if you are interested in some free diapers. It took a week for them to call me back then less than a week for the diapers to come. Plus after I do a short phone interview after using the diapers they will send me a $10 check!!! Very much worth it for a small amount of effort on my part. Hope everyone had just as fabulous a week as we did! Happy weekend everyone. Let it be hospital and new baby free. 🙂