Category Archives: voting


We got early voting ballots this year, I have no idea why we haven’t done it this way before. It was so nice sitting in bed munching snacks, and chating, with all our voting info spread out. And the lap top to look up additional info as needed.

I especially loved not feeling rushed. In past voting experiences when I had to stand in line for a while, I always felt like I needed to get my ballot filled out ASAP so that those who were behind me in line were not waiting forever for me to finish.

So last night we voted while sitting in bed. This year I got to more thoroughly read up on everyone and everything, and make my informed choices from the comfort and convenience of home. We always read up on whats on the ballot, but it was so nice having everything at our fingertips to re-reference as needed. It was the best voting experience so far.

Remember to VOTE!!!