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Reganism – Got milk?

IMG_7394I walked into the kitchen to this. I walked out and grabbed the camera. Then I got a sharpie and slapped his name on the carton. Is this a genetic marker for the male species? I have NOT a clue where he got this idea from. We had a chat about germs and whatnot. Kid keeps choosing to chug straight from the carton…….

Cross dressing at Joshily’s house

We headed to Joshily's house to work on their kitchen backsplash a bit. Usually the children are quite happy playing with blocks, playing the organ, dancing, or watching a movie (usually Batman or The Sound of Music).



Uncle Josh found a new Wonder Woman for Kaylee's collection. She was THRILLED!  



Sometimes the children get a little stir crazy and make their own fun. Tonight they (Kaylee, and then Regn agreed) decided it would be epically hilarious to switch clothing and pretend to be each other.


They were running around calling each other by the other's name, and trying their hardest between giggle fits to act like each other.




"Look Mama, I even have on Kaylee's under shorts!"

Good grief my kids kill me. They are SOOOO funny. They have provided me with endless blackmail material and many many laughs.


So our friend Ryan had a business trip down to Honduras and brought back the good cheese. The papusa cheese. So you know, we HAD to have a papusa night. Because you cannot waste good cheese. You just can't!

IMG_6724The children played while we make some deliciousness.  IMG_6725 IMG_6726 IMG_6727 IMG_6728SO fun, and SO good. The good cheese makes SUCH a difference! My sad papausa making skills taste AWESOME with the good cheese.