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Kaylee’s big hair cut

A couple of years ago I cut my hair to donate it. Kaylee was fascinated with the idea that hair can be made into wigs for others. I donated to Locks of Love, and Kaylee wanted to do the same. So she began the long journey to growing out her hair.





Poor kid was a bit rashed out from allergies, but still so excited for Aunt Jack'ee to come and cut/style her hair.


She was bouncing off the walls when Jack'ee and Jason arrived.



  And so it begins……












I especially loved Regan's reaction when he walked back into the kitchen and saw her short locks.




And now that the hair to donate is cut off and set aside it is time for the fun styling cut!








She was extra excited when I had Jack'ee put purple hair chalk in her new do. We really love her chunky bob.




I am so grateful for a talented sister that has the knowledge, skill, time, and gear to play with our hair. After the deed was done we sat and played some old school games and visited over way too many chips and guacomole.




The next day we flipped her hair out a bit and chalked the ends purple for church. I love it so much!



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And sometimes we go for a rocker look. This look is our favorite. It sure matched her spunky personality! IMG_7432 IMG_7433 IMG_7437 IMG_7440She is already talking about growing it out to donate again. I sure do love this little lady of mine.

Waterslide fun with friends

Our friend Jodi has this awesome water slide. Our friend Ashley has this awesome backyard. They got the two together and our kids had awesome fun.

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So I am horrible. It’s been decided. Just horrible. I keep watching this on repeat and am dying with laughter. She was REALLY REALLY fine (I could tell from the look on her face). She’s tough. You have to be when you are as klutzy as she is. She does more damage to herself walking across a flat surface on a regular basis (no joke). But still I’m not winning any Mama points for the laughter that erupts from me every time I see this wipe out and hear my friend’s gasp of concern. To be fair Kaylee and Jon laughing right along side me. So there is that.

Children. Many children.

Shelly and her kiddos drove from Ohio for a visit. It's been years since we have seen her older three. In fact Megan was a baby the last time we saw her! This si how I picture Kaylee and Megan in my head. Kaylee is older…. so I think she is bigger in my mind. But nope.



Kid is still our Shrimpy McShorty. Megan is much bigger than her older cousin.




I got to have 9 of the 14 at my house while the siblings/Aunts and Uncles went to Joshily house to work and visit.


Then we had an impromptu sleepover with the Nyberg cousins.



IMG_6795 IMG_6800 IMG_6804It was lots of fun having some solo Auntie time with these crazy kiddos.