Category Archives: teething

about 2 hrs later…

I’m so very grateful that Kaylee has had a relatively easy time of teething. She gets a little extra crabby for a few days and is done. It’s been REALLY nice. That is until this last tooth. This one has been a beast! It really just makes me so grateful that her other teeth didn’t cause her this much pain. She hasn’t slept at all well the last couple of nights, and this morning woke up just thrashing in bed and crying from the pain. She is not a morning person (gets that from me,) and so was too tired to get over it and fall back to sleep after I got her some meds. So I had a lovely morning that started at 6am (normal is 8:30 9ish) with my ouchy baby crying nonstop for almost 2 hours. I finally got her to eat a couple of pancakes to fill her tummy. Then we put on shoes (over her jammies) and broke out the lipgloss. She finally fell asleep on the couch with all her favorite things to comfort her: Mom, Lamby, blankie, pillow, shoes, lipgloss, and the theme song of Friends in the background. It helped that her meds had kicked in so the pain was dulled, but I like to think it was my half awake and slightly insane by that point (not a morning person) mothering that did the trick. It was at this point that I took out my earplugs. 🙂 She was much happier when she woke up so we went outside to play. We finally broke out the sidewalk chalk from Auntie Sam, and had a blast with it. The rest of our day has been hit and miss, and I’m hoping this tooth comes in soon! Here’s to better mornings, and better days…

BIG day for a little girl

So today we found out several things about Kaylee. First carrots are so gross they cause puking. It was funny and sad. So we are moving on to green beans. Second she’s tall enough and strong enough to flip herself out of her crib. I walked into her room seconds before she did so after nap time, and promptly lowered her mattress. I really should have done so a while ago but things kept getting in the way. Well it’s done now so disaster averted. And third…. it’s a TOOTH! Yes my friends she finally got her first tooth. Since a few days before Christmas she’s been pulling at her ears, and having mild diarrhea sporadically, so we have been waiting for other signs. She never got a fever, swollen gums, or acted like she was hurting. So this afternoon while feeding her green beans I felt her gums again for the hundredth time. And there it was a very sharp all the way through the gum little baby tooth. Jon was as surprised as I was when I called to tell him. There was nothing there last night when we last checked. I hope the rest come in so easily. I feel bad when babies are ouchy teething. Oh and she thought it was funny looking through the crib bars. I’ll post a picture of her tooth when it’s out more for a better shot.