Category Archives: Papa

Jack’ee at the hospital

So I’m sitting in my Paris hotel packing to come home when there is a knock at the door. It’s my friend Michelle letting me know that she just got a message from Jon that my sister Jack’ee is in the hospital! (I didn’t get the international plan on my phone. Friends are awesome!)

She was due on the 18th (the day I flew to Europe) and since the stinker waited until after I made travel plans and paid for the trip to let me know she was even pregnant I was planning on just missing little mans birth. I actually invited her to go with me. Her excuse (she already knew she was preggo and had a due date!) was that she couldn’t take the time off and that she didn’t think they could financially swing it during that time of year. LIES! πŸ˜‰

The whole time I was gone I kept waiting to hear if my nephew had been born yet. So Michelle is at the door letting me know he’s on his way. So I knew I was going to miss his birth anyway. Happy/sad.

So she went in to get induced on Friday… I think. Jet lag. Diff countries, time zones… What day is it? OR is it night? I’m so messed up right now.IMG_6025

Soon to be Dad and his MomIMG_6027

So she didn’t progress at all when they induced her the first time so she got sent home. SO I got my jetlagged self over to the hospital sometime Monday morning when she was back to try again. I can’t even tell you how excited I was toΒ  be there for her during such a special time.

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Foot/leg rubs and a mani/pedi. Plus I brought her some amazing chocolate from London. This is my new crack. It’s a good thing I cannot get it easily in the States. IMG_6031 IMG_6032

The waiting Moms/Grandmas.IMG_6033 IMG_6039

Going for a walk to try and get things moving and progressing a bit faster.IMG_6062

Waiting out in the lobby while Jack’ee got her epidural. This conversation happen a bit before she got her epidural.

Jack’ee: Looking at me, “You did this twice!?” Looking at Mom, “And you did this four times!!”

Me: Um, ya…

Jack’ee: You’re both SO stupid!!!

Us: Laughing SO hard!

Mom: Abuela did this ten times.

Jack’ee: She’s an idiot!

She was feeling better after her meds kicked in. They call it labor for a reason. It’s not a walk in the park. πŸ˜‰

IMG_6066So he wasn’t born until Wednesday. I was at the hospital all day Monday and Tuesday, but Wednesday R had Speech at 9am and then Kaylee had her one year follow up with her urologist at the Children’s hospital at 12:30.

Kaylee was on the table getting her ultrasound done when I got the text from my Dad saying baby Logan was born via c-section.

I was laughing SO hard. I missed his birth anyway! Life. BUT little Logan is hear safe and healthy and Jack’ee is doing as well as can be expected.

Also Jon’s sister Sharice had her little man a wee bit early in Texas a couple hours later via emergency c-section. Little Connor is going to spend some time in the NICU and Sharice is going to have a bit of a recovery. πŸ™ But everyone made it through alive and we are so grateful for that.

So we were blessed with not one, but two little men in our family this week.

The kiddos are so excited to have two cousins born on the same day! πŸ™‚




Thanksgiving 2014

Josh and Emily hosted Thanksgiving this year. It was a last shindig in Joshily reno house before they move an hour east of us. BOO! We are SO going to miss them being just five minutes away.
IMG_0961Papa was happy to hold little miss as much a possible. Smitten. We are all smitten with that baby.IMG_0962

And this sister here, well she announced that she’s prego with a little dude! WHAT!? I asked her just a week ago if they were having any luck and she was all “lets change the subject”. Stinker. I thought they were still having problems in that area and let the sensitive subject go.IMG_0976But no. She just wanted to wait until most of us were together to share her news in person. So it’s a happy sad holiday this year. Family is moving (not far, but still), and a newbie is coming soon.

Kaylee’s first dance recital

This was the best thing ever. I am so proud of how hard Kaylee worked getting ready for her first recital. I love that she has found something that she is passionate about (bonus for me that I LOVE dance too.). She was SO excited every Monday to go to her studio and learn new things. I NEVER had to ask her to practice. Dance class has just been so great for her, and I love that.

Friday afternoon was her dress rehearsal. She and I headed out and Regan ot some one on one grandparent time. Also she looked ridiculously cute in her cover-ups. SO CUTE!


Kaylee and Mama hanging out during rehearsal. IMG_5047 IMG_5049 IMG_5060 IMG_5065 IMG_5084 IMG_5085

Saturday afternoon was the big day. We stole Jack'ee away from the family to come early with us and had some girl time back stage before the performance started.

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IMG_2130Dancing is where being a shorty pays off. They tend to put the shorties up front. Kaylee is in the front row third in from the left.  Regan didn't like that he couldn't tell which one was his sister.IMG_2133

About a month before the recital Kaylee asked me to record her teacher doing the dance so, "I can prakiss it at home Mom."  And practice it she did. EVERY DAY. The thing I love about these two photos it that you can see that she is the only one NOT looking at the teacher off stage. She KNEW her dance. Her timing was OFF, but she knew her dance.

IMG_2134She said she wanted to smile and show everyone how much fun she was having, but she was too busy using her brain to remember her dance. She had to concentrate! HA.

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Curtain call at the end was kinda like a hot mess. Too cute/funny though. IMG_2168 IMG_2174Awesome Jack'ee brought her a rose. So then her Papa and Yaiyai had to get her some flowers too.  She was thrilled that Jack'ee and Jason were able to come and see her dance. I was back stage helping and Kaylee kept asking me if everyone was there. Everyone being Jon, Regan, Papa, Yaiyai, Jack'ee and Jason. She was super worried that they would leave before it was her turn. IMG_2176 IMG_2177 IMG_2179 IMG_2183 IMG_2187I am WAY bummed out that Jon and Regan left early to get the family party all set up and I didn't get a picture of them with Kaylee. Oh, well.

Video of some cuties doing their dance thing.