Category Archives: dress

Please spread the word

Hi friends and family. I don’t usually put out requests like this but I have recently developed a web site for a 16 year old high school girl designed to make it easy to find a formal dress online. It’s a great idea since most women and girls have extra formal dresses laying around from proms, weddings, and other formal events that just stay in the closet collecting dust. The site is designed to make it easier for girls trying to find a dress for prom or other events at a discount price. The way that it all works is through people with old dresses post them online for a great price. The dresses are categorized for easy searching and it’s designed to let you be contacted by a buyer through a contact form so none of your personal information is displayed.

The web site is and all that I’m asking is that you check it out and tell your friends about it. The more dresses we can get on the site the better it will be for girls in need. It’s a win win for everybody. Oh and the best part, the service is free for everyone. No fees for listing a dress and no fees to contact the seller.
– Jon