Author Archives: Slothhorde

Shannon and Rebekah

Shannon and Rebekah were in the play Ester. They did so good and it was fun to be able to go watch them.


It makes me laugh that she was trying to lift them both up at the same time. She did it too. Awkward, but did it.

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Ran into Mrs. Olsen, the art teacher at Kaylee and Regan’s school. Fun! IMG_5660 IMG_5664And somewhat decent group photos. No one was picking anything or crying.

Regan’s skin explosion

We took a trip up to Utah to go ice fishing with Grandpa. While away from home I didn’t

manage Regan’s preventative skin care as well as needed. After several days in Utah were were half way home Regan started saying his feet hurt. He tends to break out on top so that where I

checked. The tops looks good. Told him they looked good. Got him home and in bed late and

prepared for an early start with school the next day. So complainy. Said it hurt to walk. I

dropped Kaylee off and checked his feet again. WHOA. The bottoms were covered in puss

blisters! COVERED. We ampped up his skin care for a couple of days keeping a VERY close

watch. Then things went south. FAST. So I took him in to urgent care and had the worst

experience EVER with the on call Dr. She was horrible and made me feel like I was the worst

Mom ever. We’ve NEVER had either Kaylee or Regan with ALL the skin problem get skin

infections. Seven years of working with specialists were ignored by this DR as she talked down

to me. When I took him in for his follow with our Primary Dr. He was very understanding. Impentigo, Staph, MRSA and Molescum ALL at the SAME time. IT was rough. I carried him

everywhere because his feet were so raw. And the spread was like wildfire. He had multiple

apptointments a week with primary and dermatologist. There was talk when trying the second

round of Rx’s to knock everything out that we might have to admit him for IV medications! It

was SO SO SO bad. He only put on clothes for Dr appointments. Otherwise he was in loose oversized parent shirts

or Mom’s robes for comfort and easy skin care. We bleched bathed, medicated topically and orally, and wet wrapped so his skin could heal.

Wet wrapping made him shiver so bad we’d then cocoon him in blankets. He slept a lot. And then our team of Doctors found the magic combination for him and he healed! LONGEST two weeks for all of us. Pretty scary and very miserable. Having eczema and allergies is rough. You are open to all the junk that is everywhere and have to be hyper vigilant. We knew this. Regan’s skin explosion was a painful reminder just WHY evening intense skin care cannot be skipped EVER.