Kindergarten screening

IMG_8236Kaylee and the super cute/nice teacher/lady (not sure if she is a teacher, or just helping with testing? I will call her a teacher.) who administered her screening test. She was very kind to humor my need to document EVERY moment of our life.

So they had us (parents and children) waiting in the cafeteria. It was fun seeing some of the other kids Kaylee will be going to school with.IMG_8252She did AWESOME! The teacher (who’s name I forgot to get.) said she is very ready for kindergarten (socially, and academically.), and that she is excited to have Kaylee attend the school. She also said that they always send kids home with a few things to work on.

The only thing she struggled with that surprised me (because she is good at this at home.) was identifying numbers 11-20. Other wise she did as expected.

So when asked to write her name (not specified which!) she wrote her LAST name. The teacher was impressed and amused. I reported that she CAN do both, but is more comfortable with the letters in her last name. We will continue to work on it.

She has ALWAYS struggled with gross motor skills. She can hop on one foot, but is super unsteady. We practice this everyday. She takes it very seriously. VERY. “I needa prakis hopping on one foot for kindergarten!” I have herd this daily for months.

She has a hard time remembering where her ankle is so that wasn’t a shock.

Jon was listening in on another teacher parent review while we waited for Kaylee to come back, and got a panicked look on his face when the teacher started talking about sequencing. HA! “Dude, she’s great at sequencing.” I think he was more nervous than Kaylee!

I have not covered opposites or rhyming words AT ALL. Those two subjects were not on my radar. The teacher said that Kaylee when asked to do opposites asked, “Whats opposites mean?” After it was explained she did great. We do need to work on it though since she said that the opposite of hot is not hot (hehe). This amused the teacher. But she knew up/down, big/small, in/out, happy/sad. I was impressed since we really have not gone over this at home.

The teacher reported that Kaylee did okay with rhyming, and that lots of children struggle with it. But to work on it over the summer. Will do teach. Will do.

She also said that I need to teach Kaylee the spalding pencil grip, and told us how to do it. I thought I was doing it right, but was just SO not. Shannon did show me the spalding way, but clearly I failed in teaching it. It’s okay. We have time to work on it.

I love that Kaylee got her first “Great job!” from a teacher. Evidently they are looking for the children to relate a sentence or two describing a picture. Kaylee told a whole story. The teacher said this is an indicator of creative writing skills. Kaylee LOVES to tell stories.

IMG_8237Just sitting and waiting for little miss to come back. Regan got to use a mini urinal while we waited. He thought that was AWESOME! Jon said it was so cute, and I said too bad getting a picture of said cuteness is not kosher.


We let the children play for all to brief a time before we loaded them into the car to leave the school.

IMG_8239 IMG_8240 IMG_8241 IMG_8242 IMG_8243 IMG_8244 IMG_8245 IMG_8246Please note that Jon is playing too! Love that man!

Jon is dropping off the humungous registration packet today, and then she is all set for school. Well aside from uniforms, backpack, and school supplies that is! 🙂

Sunday dinner at the Day’s house:

Jon: Kaylee passed her screening.

Shannon: Of course she did. Was there any doubt.

2 thoughts on “Kindergarten screening

  1. Sally

    Of course she passed! Michelle Bringhurst did her screening. She teaches kindergarten. I have uniform stuff for you, but I’m afraid none of it will fit Kaylee yet…

    1. Jon, Janice, Kaylee, & Regan Post author

      Oh, thanks for the name Sally! I was pretty sure she was a teacher. She just had that vibe, but since I forgot to ask her….. And yea for hand me downs! Thanks so much!!! Ya, Kaylee is our Shrimpy McShorty. 😉


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