Jon got to open both his Father’s Day gift and his Birthday present on Father’s day morning. Kaylee and Jon were TOO excited to wait a whole week to open his birthday present so I gave in and let them open it early. Kaylee led Jon (eyes covered) to the couch so she and Regan could “surprise” him with his presents.
Jon was very good at being surprised. Don’t mind Regan’s butt. His skinny tushie has issues staying covered. You can see his is in the process of pulling up his drawers though…. Keeping his pants up is an ongoing battle for him /us. And he has decided that suspenders are only for Sunday church dress. Sooooo….
Jon has a skittles jar at his office so the children were kind enough to get him a stash for refills.
We also made what has become our traditional D.A.D.D.Y photos for his office as well.
This is the exciting gift. Jon picked it out himself and Kaylee announced that it had arrived and where Mama had it hidden when Jon came home about a week before Father’s day. They both asked about every day if they could open it.
Regan is begging for a turn with the R.C. controller.
Jon got a flight simulator for his R.C. plane. It is a HUGE hit for all ages. I love that it doesn’t have just his plane on the simulator, it has I think Jon said around 200 models you can “fly” on it. I love that Jon can practice without worrying about crashing his actual plane. And that he is able to test fly other options before buying a new plane. He feels a lot more confidant about his R.C. abilities since getting the simulator.
So yesterday was Jon 30th birthday. I popped up some decor to make it feel more festive. And we had a small family dinner and ice-cream cake to celebrate.
The children discovered that the balloons get sucked up on the air return in the hall and had much fun with that for far longer that I would have thought. They would get the thing COVERED and then “bowl” them all off with another balloon.
Jon saying to Kaylee, “Don’t blow out my candles o.k.?” Ummm….. right.
Singing time.
She totally blew out Jon’s candles. Then announced, “We did it!” Hahahaha.
I asked Jack’ee to take a picture of just me and Jon. We have tons of either of us with the children, but not very many of just us. What can I say we like the kiddos. Well the children scrabbled over to get into the shot and I told Kaylee I wanted it to be just me and Dad. She got some MAJOR hurt feelings (because the camera comes out and it’s ALL about them normally) and was crying in all the pictures. So I had Jack’ee take some pictures anyway. Look how happy the little man is though.
And that it doesn’t phase him that his sister is a drama queen. He just ignore her and continues watching his show.
“Mommy hurt my feelings!!!!” She did not want anything to do with me for a while after that.
Happy Birthday Jon!
- Kaylee party: part 2 (0.500)
- The weekend I turned 30 (0.500)
- Regan's 4th Birthday Party (0.500)
- Day 365 and V's turns 5! (RANDOM - 0.299)