
Sunday the 19th I “pulled a Janice” and slammed my hand in the car door. Awesome. As soon as I did it Jon who was on the other side of the car buckling Regan in asked/yelled, “Is that your hand!?!”

Ya. He could see it on the other side. Awesome. Thankfully Shannon was home so we ran the children over to her house so she could watch them while I went and got x-rayed. Well that was the plan until we arrived to her house and found out that Urgent Care closes at 2 pm on weekends and it was after 4pm.

I refused to go to the E.R. So Shannon had me remove my rings while I could (good thinking), pulled out drugs and fix it stuff and Jon popsicled and taped my hand. I promised Jon if it still hurt I’d let him take me in the next day.

So then we went home and Jon finished up dinner for me and the Days came over for Sunday night dinner as was planned. Which was fun. Really. Helped take my mind off the pain.

The next day it was still all swollen and killer painful and there is lots of blood under my middle nail so I let Jon haul me in for x-rays. He was positive it was broken. Kept saying “I could see your hand on the other side of the door!”

Here’s the funnier part. (Because the whole thing is funny. I laughed. Jon laughed. Josh and the Days laughed. Jack’ee REALLY laughed. ) I have REALLY crooked pinkies. It’s hereditary. Kaylee and Regan have them too. I never think about them. So when the nurse asked to see my hand it didn’t occur to Jon or I that she’d think my pinky was the problem and bump me up to the top of the wait list of a FULL waiting room.

We didn’t realize that that’s what happened until the Dr. popped his head in the exam room to let me know he was just on his way to see how bad my pinky was. He was gone before I could get words out of my mouth. So when he came back I explained with my visual aids that it was not my pinky. He then had to go look at the x-rays again. Awesome.

Good news. It’s my left hand and I’m a righty. SO blessed! Also I didn’t break it. Dr. said I must have really strong bones.

So recovery will be much faster. Although anytime I complain that it still hurts Jon say, “I saw your hand on the OTHER side of the door.” He was a bit traumatized. Poor guy. Was SUPER surface calm when it happened though.

The Dr. said it would take time for it to feel normal since I smashed it so bad. He also cauterized through my nail and “milked” out all the blood to relive pressure and possible save my nail from falling off.

Ya. That hurt. And smelt awful. Burning flesh is never good. But it did make my had feel SO much better. You know once Dr. man was done squeezing all the blood out.

I’ve the last couple days been wearing the brace less and less. And icing less and less. My ring is back on and I can almost make a fist. Awesome.


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