Grandpa’s funeral

We were fortunate enough that Dwayne was able to borrow a plane to fly us up and back. It made the trip SO much nicer. Big humungo thanks to Jon for loaning out his plane and Dwayne for taking time out of his schedule to fly us.

I didn’t know what to expect emotionally this weekend. I was all over the place. Laughing, crying, joy, sadness…….

It turned out to be an amazing weekend. It was lovely to see all my family and catch up, while we celebrated a great man.

The services were wonderful. I appreciate all the love and hard work that my parents, Aunts, and Uncles put into Grandpa’s funeral.

In addition to being able to see all my family we were able to go see Mom and Dad Heaton.

It was just really a nice cathartic weekend.

Our flight to Utah was butter smooth. So the children were able to get out of their car seats and roam. Uncle Dwayne even let Kaylee fly for a bit.

I love how the sun is hitting his hair and showing off the red.

After arriving in St. George we headed to Sam’s house. To play games, and relax before the viewing.

Fruit Ninja is very fun.

There were two separate viewings. One Friday evening, and one Saturday before the service.

Grandpa LOVED fishing. This is his rod in this bouquet.

My sisters and me with our family friend Cindy.

My sweet Grandma with her children.

Grandpa was always sticking out his tongue like this in photos. I love this photo of his family.

After the Friday viewing we went to Grandma’s house for a family dinner.

Kaylee and Regan were the only wee ones there. Kaylee found some stickers and thought it was HILARIOUS when she gave her self a pink nose boogie.

My family is so awesome. Most of the adults let her boogie their noses. She was in hysterics. I do believe that Grandma ended up with two smiley face boogies.

Regan enjoyed himself as well.

At the cemetery. My Dad, Uncles, and a few cousins were pallbearers.

My Mom’s side of our family came. They are so sweet. So I was able get a cute picture of Kaylee with her Abuela,

The Relief Society in Grandma’s ward had a lovely luncheon all set up for us when the services were finished.

Later we (my parents children sans Barry) went out to eat and visit.

It’s hard to tell, but there are giant tears running down his face. He has a HOT fry in his mouth that he is blowing on. He kept shoveling these super hot frys in like he was afraid someone was going to take them away.

Good thing his Daddy had some ice water handy. It was pretty funny though.

Sunday morning we went to church with Grandma. I was so sad to say goodbye.

Before heading to Hurricane we took the children to see the temple.

Kaylee was SO excited.

They were “flying”

This one is getting BLOWN up. I love it so much!

Sunday night my parents came to the Heaton’s for dinner and games.

The children love to go “fishing” whenever they are at The Grandpaaa’s house.

The flight home.

Grandma hooked Regan up with some fruit snacks. He shared one package with Kaylee. Ate the rest himself.

The children both got to fly on the way home.

Regan was a VERY relaxed pilot.

Kaylee had been carrying around Grandpa’s service program everywhere. She was even showing him out the window. She quickly learned his infamous pose.


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2 thoughts on “Grandpa’s funeral

  1. Jon, Janice, Kaylee, & Regan

    Thanks Melissa! It’s SO much hotter here. We really got used to the snow. haha.

    I needed a much lighter color and shorter to help deal with the heat when I’m outside. The darks just get’s so hot so fast in the Phoenix sun.

    I was pleasantly surprised at the difference when I was out the other day. It was awesome not to feel like my head was on fire. 😉


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