So as you know we are moving. (What you didn’t? Sorry. Been SUPER busy.) Jon’s oldest brother Josh told him of a job opening at the hospital he works for in Phoenix (I.T. dept). After much fasting and prayer on the matter we decided that Jon should go for it. Well he got the job and for the last several weeks we’ve been house hunting.
Last Friday we found a house. This Monday he started the new job. So this last month and a half has been exceptionally busy/crazy with interviews and house hunting.
Now I have the pleasure (SO excited to get rid of all our extra “why do we even have this crap” crap! No really, I am.) of packing up our lives here and being a solo parent for a bit. (Jon does TONS. It’s been a LONG week!)
So I wanted to do some posts for me. So I could remember how much we’ve done with our Cedar house. Because looking back we’ve realized that man have we done a lot!
So here’s my kitchen ALMOST finished. Pretend that is has new shinny counters (any color other than the nasty light pink they are now), a farm sink (stainless steel, not white.), and that the flooring matches the rest of the house. All that was going to happen next year, but as we are moving…….
Oh, and you should know something and not be too too scared. I.LOVE.COLOR! I’m VERY aware that not everyone likes this amount of color. But our homes should reflect us, and well this is me. This is where I spend the majority of my time. So I made the space for me. I am VERY fortunate that Jon “gets” it, and even helps pick out colors. The Green cupboards are all him, and I LOVE THEM!
Regan thought that the empty cupboards were AWESOME!
What my kitchen looked like for a few days. (I stuck EVERYTHING in the guest room.)
Then there was tons of Jon doing this. He was very clever and got out the vacuum to suck up dust as he sanded. (Clean up? What clean up? Ya. He’s dreamy.)
Kaylee had less fun than Regan. Daddy made her wear earplugs. She wasn’t a fan.
So this was taken a month or so into the ordeal (I had finally started to put things BACK where they belonged). Our sander had died, and snow had come before were were able (We are poor. Had to wait for a good deal.) to get a new one. So I lived an entire winter without cupboard doors. It sorta sucked (Visitors LOVED it. Never had to ask were the cups were…). But then spring arrived we got a new sander and I was able to paint inside (It’s windy here and our yard it mostly dirt. I didn’t want dirt being blown on wet paint.) with windows open without freezing/fuming anyone out.
So here she is ALMOST finished, and we think looking TONS better.
Oh, and of course a picture of what the kitchen looked like when we looked though the house and decided to buy it. Jon was really good at taking photos so I could have a reference for new fixtures and paint colors.
I don’t think that the previous owners would recognize it. We got rid of the ugly spot light, and put in a fan. Kitchens get hot. They should ALL have fans. And got all new appliances, and faucet.
Ignore the crap on top of the fridge. It’s not usually like that, but the family photo is already packed, and I was TOO lazy to clear off my new catchall while I’m packing spot for a photo.
- Before and After: Kitchen (0.403)
- Tomatoes. 150ish pounds of 'em. (0.339)
- Table fix (0.339)
- Before and After: Livingroom (RANDOM - 0.065)
LOVE IT! great job guys!