How do you


A Sweet gal in our steak does a zumba class 3 times a week at our steak center. So I go whenever I can. It’s free, and I can bring the children. So that makes it PERFECT for me. Regan allows me to do about a 1/2 hour before he requires me to wear him, and Kaylee Zumba’s right along with me. She’s pretty good for a 2 year old.

Ignore my sweaty grossness. Focus instead on how into it Kaylee gets. She LOVES Zumba!

Regan (ever the snuggle bug) finds it exhausting/soothing? The movement + loud music + snuggling = passed out boy.


5 thoughts on “How do you

  1. Jon, Janice, Kaylee, & Regan

    Melissa – I wear Regan ALL the time. Did the same with Kaylee. Some days it’s the only way I can get anything done. So I am was use to doing crazy things while packing a child. Helps that he weighs like 2 pounds though! Ha! And loves to be bounced around. I use my excersise ball for bouncing him at home when he is teething fussy. Sometimes the legs just get tired. 😉

    Ora – The free class is such a motivator! And that there are tons of kids there is SO nice. No one cares if they have to move around a child.

    Bradly’s – You two are such sweeties! I wish I would have lost the baby weight and more! Still have about 10 pounds to go before I feel comfy in my pre preggo cloths. But I’m close!!! Sharice once you get into Zumba you will LOVE it. Miss you too!

  2. Derek and Sharice

    Your kids are too stinking adorable! Derek got me zumba on the wii and i’ve only done it once, but I have good intentions! I don’t know how you do it with Regan?! It is hard enough without a baby! Derek and I were talking the other day about how good you look too! By the way, you look AMAZING! It seems like you lost the baby weight and more. And, you look happy. 🙂 Miss you guys!

  3. MelissaP

    That is so awesome. I go to Zumba two, sometimes three, times a week at the Washington City Community center and I love it so much. It is so much fun. How the heck can you do it while wearing him? We go all over the place, there is no way I could do that with Landon. Of course he weighs 22 pounds so I think that would kill my back and shoulders. So yeah, I am impressed with you.


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