15.9 lbs

(Regan snuggling his Babushka on her hammock)

Well our second visit with Dr. K (Regan’s G.I. Dr.) went much better than the first. We were more relaxed for this appointment. (Negative CF test will do that.) My Mom had the day off so she met us there. The children were SO excited to see her. And Dr. K was surprised to see her. (They know each other as my Mom is an interpreter for IHC and in his office often.) We are pretty sure that he didn’t quite believe that Mom is my Mom. It gave us all a good laugh. (Especially Jon, who knows just how Dr. K felt looking back and forth at me and Mom. Jon’s pretty sure adoption entered the thought process.) Dr. K even said, “Morena I thought you just had a son?” Who he has met and knows is all dark like Mom. Haha. Good times.

Regan has gained about a pound in the last three months. We are VERY happy that he has not lost any more weight since switching him to formula. He is still have BV so Dr. K is having us put him on an even more broken down formula. (That you cannot buy in stores. We have an Rx.) We have another follow up appointment in a month to weigh him and talk about how he is doing on the newest formula. Dr. K mentioned that this new stuff my cause constipation. (Which he also said about the last stuff, but wouldn’t that be an interesting change.) We are trying very hard to avoid the scope and biopsy.

After the appointment we headed over to my parents house to change clothes and drop off the children. Jon and I planned on spending a couple hours doing my family name Sealings at the temple. Just before getting in the car Jon decided to look and see when our recommends expire. Well they expired in July! Guess we’ve been a bit preoccupied with Regan… So we will be resolving that situation ASAP! We felt pretty much the opposite of awesome, but grateful that we looked before driving across town. (It would have been SO embarrassing!) We were both bummed that we couldn’t go. This was our first St. George trip that we have had time and a sitter. So we will just try again. Hopefully SOON!

This trip was fun in that the children got to have Yiayai/Babushka and Papa time. My parents were very excited to hear all of Regan’s new words. He says:

Yaiyia (too Mom’s horror. But he hears Kaylee say it, soooo oh well.)
Papa (too Dad’s delight)
and tries REAL hard to say Babushka. But that’s a hard one and the kid is only 10 months old! So he says Bab. It’s pretty darn cute.

We will be working on getting him to say:
Kaylee, Grandma, & Grandpa (they will be home before we know it!)

He LOVES to chatter ALL the time. And is picking up words like the little sponge he is! Speaking of picking up things. He is that child that EVERYTHING goes straight in his mouth. We know that this is normal, but Kaylee spoiled us. She NEVER put things in her mouth, but would bring us the tiny bits of whatever. And since Regan has Kaylee who leaves bits of stuff trailing behind her he has LOTS of stuff to choose from. Paper seams to be the favorite. These two are so very much the opposite in every way. But we LOVE IT! Regan really is such a boy.


2 thoughts on “15.9 lbs

  1. Duh Despains

    Glad he gained weight. Sorry you are on an rx now – but I do hope it helps. Chase had trouble with my breast milk, and regular formula was much better *even though I did the “allergy diet”… We let ours lapse this last year as well… it sneaks up on you when you are busy preventing disasters.


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