the verdict is in…

(Kaylee on her way to the mailbox, after meeting her surgeon.)

We met with the surgeon (a lovely man) and Kaylee will indeed be having Surgery. It is scheduled for the morning of Friday the 14th. We are nervous. We also got the results from her allergy test back. She is (YEA!) growing out of her food allergies! We are to keep her away from egg yolk, and peanuts. But hey a list of 2 is better than a list of 8. It also came back clean for Celiac disease, and glutton allergy. We did get some bad news from the test. Her biggest allergy (came back as severe) is HOUSE DUST! So I need to deep clean more than twice a month. And dust more than once a week. A girlfriend of mine said it’s a good thing she got sent to me with my compulsive need to keep a dust free and clean house. Guess I just need to up my game. Jon got me a new vacuum that I have been having fun with. We would LOVE to eventually get rid of the old yucky carpet, but need to save up the money first. So for now just more of the same. 🙂


3 thoughts on “the verdict is in…

  1. Duh Despains

    I’m glad she’s not Celiac! That would be so hard to keep her getting lots of calories, but eliminating everything Gluten! I have a dust allergy myself. A dust mite cover for my bed and pillow made the most improvement for me! I hear some people are so bad they can’t have carpet… let’s hope she isn’t that bad!

    Good luck with surgery. We will be praying for your little family!

  2. Derek and Sharice

    Well, that just stinks… I have a friend who’s little boy just had surgery on a hernia and he was Kaylee’s age, and he was up and walking that same day I think… Hopefully Kaylee does really well. We’ll keep you guys in our prayers. 🙂 Can’t wait to see you soon! And crazy that Brian saw Barry. HOw cool is that?!


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