Josh and Yaya

We LOVE when Josh comes to visit. Kaylee was much warmer to him this visit. Here are a couple of cute pictures of these two hanging out Saturday morning. The mini Stella still works like magic to get Kaylee to cuddle! Kaylee even gave him a willing goodbye squish and kiss as well as blowing him kisses. Come visit again soon Josh.

Playing Starfall and saying, “cheese!” for the camera.

Kaylee’s Yaya (my Mom) got to our house a few hours before Josh on Friday night. She has been cleaning, cooking and playing with Kaylee nonstop since she got here. I’ve noticed that Jon, Kaylee, and I are more relaxed having her here. As amazing as my R.S. is there is just something comforting about having your Mom around when you are feeling icky and stuck on the couch. She is still trying to decide how long she is going to be able to stay. We may get to keep her for quite a while if she can arrange things with work! The bed rest is helping as well as having doubled the med dose. We are hoping to make it 3 more weeks, but would love to make it 4 more. We will just have to see. Jon and I are hoping to get a good long break before we have to go back to L&D for shots. He thinks we will end up there at least once more. We went in 3 times for shots with Kaylee’s pregnancy, and have so far been 3 times with Regan for the Turbutaline shots. We’ve been in 5 times now to keep him in and now all nurses know us. 🙂 So Regan is officially a more difficult pregnancy than Kaylee. He started off MUCH easier, but clearly wants to out do his big sis. Great news though, today we are 33 weeks and every day I can keep him in is an awesome day at our house because every day counts for a bigger healthier baby! Happy week everyone!

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