Finally did something with these pictures.

Got these pictures last weekend off my parents camera when they came to visit. This post is a few weeks past due, but oh well. These pictures are of our fun week with my family down in St. George. Kaylee and I went down for the weekend of the 4th, and my Mom convinced us to stay for the following week. We did lots of shopping and playing in the water. Kaylee started to get real excited anytime she saw me coming with the sunblock and swim suite. And she is just all girl with how much she loves shopping. We went to payless to look at shoes and she was soooo happy. It was a nice mini vacation (we missed Jon TONS!) Kaylee and I got way spoiled by everyone. We were able to visit Abuela Cristina, Aunt Sam, and Jamie, Linda, and the girls. Kaylee got some way cute hair flowers Aunt Linda made for her (pictured below,) and Jamie and Linda gave me their old double stroller! WOOHOO!!! Not to mention how much fun Kaylee had playing with the girls and eating I swer all of the otter pops at Linda’s house. Kaylee got a big girl car seat (still rear facing of course) and new shoes from her Yaya. And Mom got me new shoes as well. Seriously we got spoiled! Jon was able to join us the weekend of the 12th for some more family fun. He came baring unexpected gifts. A new cell phone for me (mine had died,) and a blue Slurpee! Still not sure which gift I was more excited about. That Saturday we went to Kaylee’s favorite splash pad, ate at an AWESOME pizza place that had a really fun arcade, and then went and had frozen yogurt at the Golden Spoon (got to see Sam working.)

This nice lady had extra Popsicles from her kids party so she went around and gave the extras away. It was a very nice surprise of a treat. Kaylee loved hers until she realized that her hands were dirty. Then she just wanted, “wub wub peas.” Lately she does not care for dirty hands. Unless she’s eating in her chair or at a table then it’s o.k., other wise she asks to have her hands washed. The picture of Kaylee laying down… she was just so tired that she tried to get comfy on the cement! We left that splash pad and she passed out in the car. Playing is hard work! 🙂

After the hostess sat us at our table my parents realized that they had lock both sets of my Mom’s car keys in her car. Well they had Kaylee’s car seat and diaper bag in the locked car! I kept thinking it will be o.k. as long as Kaylee doesn’t poop. So of course she had to poop just minutes after getting in the arcade. I usually have extra diapers and wipes in the trunk of my car, but had recently needed the emergency stash and had not yet replaced them. We did have one cloth diaper that I was able to get on her (thank heaven she was wearing bloomers), and I just ended up using wet paper towels. Not the easiest diaper change, but it got the job done. So we all had fun in the arcade while Dad took our car to his house to get the spare key. While he was gone Kaylee got to play a game. One that you put in your coin then hit the giant button. She completely out did all the boys so I had to put up a picture of my Dad’s tickets, and of Kaylee’s tickets. Jon had to wrap Kaylee’s tickets around her a few times for the picture. She got so many, it was great! She redeemed her tickets for the worlds most expensive Smarties. It was a way fun place that Jon and I think would make a perfect party spot for a 8 or 10 year old boy. We also had some real nice surprises when we got home. Aunt Cole had sent over some toys (Kaylee acted like it was Christmas. Kept saying, “Oooh!”) and Regan clothes (they are so cute). And Grandma Sapp’s Regan blankies and other goodies had arrived courtesy of Sharice and Josh. We are feeling VERY spoiled, and VERY grateful for all of the goodies and love shown to us. Thanks everyone!

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