A fun long weekend.

My “weekend” started Thursday night with the arrival of my parents and brother. They stayed to play and help through Monday night. My Dad and Barry also came up on Monday (earlier that week) to help and left Tuesday morning. So they were basically here for a week. They came to help reclaim our yard from the weeds and to play with the baby. We have a 1/2 acre of weeds, and between the pregnancy and Jon working like mad we really needed the help. We are so greatful to have family close by that are not only able, but willing to help. Jake came over last weekend to help Jon in the yard and they got a couple of garden rows cleared. We so appreciate all the help we get. You can actually now tell that we have a garden. For a while you couldn’t see it for the weeds. The boys brought in so much good stuff and my awesome Mom got it all cleaned and cooked or in the freezer. We had a mini road trip up to Beaver. And we also saw Harry Potter Saturday afternoon. It was awesome! Kaylee’s Yaya didn’t want to leave her home with a sitter so Kaylee got to have her first theater experience. She did really well. My Mom just roamed behind her when Kaylee felt the need to wander (which wasn’t as much as I thought it would be.) My Mom said that whenever they went into the hall to wander Kaylee would always remember which door they came from. It was especially funny when Kaylee found us after she had come back in from the hall and yelled, “HI GUYS!” One of her new things she says. Jon slapped his head and shook it, while Barry and I tried not to laugh too hard. It was a very fun and very productive long weekend. Thanks Mom, Dad, and Barry for all the help and all the fun.

Kaylee going on a walk with Papa and Yaya so I could clean behind and under the refrigerator. Thanks Dad and Barry for moving it for me. 🙂

Playing with Yaya after the walk.

Dad and Barry pulling weeds Monday afternoon. 7/13/09

Kaylee had fun watching the boys pull weeds on Monday.

Kaylee’s Papa is so funny that he made her snort! We were all laughing so hard. This is the tail end of these two playing. We unfortunately missed recording the snorting, but she does say cheese when she sees Jon with the camera. My Dad said he needs to get knee pads for next time.

Kaylee is always listening to music. She’s never really danced to anything before. Well lately since Kaylee really doesn’t do well if the house is too quiet I’ve been having Friends on while we do stuff. Every time the theme song comes on this is what she does. She will drop whatever she’s holding to clap and dance. If she is in another room she will run to the t.v., and if she’s eating she will dance as best she can while clapping in her chair. We thinks it’s really funny that the only song she will dance to is the Friends theme song. I’ve tried other catchy tunes, but she just won’t dance to anything else. Also she knows when the song is about to end so she will slow down and walk back to what she was doing. 🙂

My Dad and Barry had so much fun on their horse ridding adventure that my Dad decided he wanted to take us girls to check out this really awesome meadow. So Friday we drove up to Beaver had a yummy dinner and then drove up the mountain to Big Flat. It was so beautiful, and we saw so many animals. The darker it got the more the animals came out onto the meadow from the forest. Kaylee was so cute when it was her bed time she kept saying, “all done!” When she finally passed out she had her hand resting on Uncle Barry for most of the ride back home.

Saying bye to her Daddy on our way out of town.

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Here are my latest projects. I’m very happy with how they turned out. I had all the stuff for all my projects which is good since we have no extra money for projects right now (or to just buy the stuff.) I was able to use “leftovers” from other projects I’ve done this past year. Also my sweet Mother-in-law gave me some crafty stuff before she left. My Mom’s friend and co worker just adopted a baby girl so I made her some burp cloths. Kaylee needed a bigger towel so I decided that I would try making one for her. I really love how it turned out. I was even brave enough to put her initials on the back of the hood. It’s huge and will last her a long time so it’s perfect. Jon was funny and even tried it out since it’s so huge. 🙂 We are getting ready to move Kaylee to a twin bed from her crib. So I’ve been looking for some affordable bedding that will match the nursery. Well after months of looking I decided to make her a quilt and bed skirt for her new bed. This is my first time making a quilt and I am pleasantly surprised that it looks like a quilt. The quilt is done (yea!) and I’m working on the skirt. For now she is napping on a twin blowup during the day and it’s going really well. I can’t wait to see her in her real bed up off the ground with her new (and I think cute) bedding!

Tonight when I was trying to change Kaylee into her pajamas and she ran away to rock on the rocking chair. So I told her to stay there so I could get the camera to record her rocking. Well as soon as she saw the camera it was all over, but I did get her to do a couple of her “tricks” before she claimed the camera as her own. She likes to put the lens cap on the camera when “my turn” is up. Such a funny little person. I’m so very greatful and feel so blessed that I don’t have to “work” so I can just enjoy soaking up her cuteness. She really is such a joy!

I just thought this was a cute picture of her saying “cheese.”

One thought on “A fun long weekend.

  1. Derek and Sharice

    Janice. Way to go on your projects! That is so awesome! I want to do projects like that someday, but I have 0 talent in the sewing area… I mean litterally I think I got like a C in sewing in my home ec class… haha I LOVE the bed spread you made for Kaylee! She is too funny and cracks me up! Dancing in her diaper with a necklace on…. haha I’m putting my guess that you guys are having another girl! If you are hoping for a boy this is a good guess because I think out of all of the times I have guessed I’ve gotten it right once…. 😉 Anyway! Hope you are feeling well! Good luck with the yard! What a project!


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