Kaylee’s 1st Birthday Party

So here are some pictures of Kaylee at her party. It was tons of FUN, and she sure enjoyed herself. Cake, Pinata, and gifts, what more could she ask for? We would like to thank everyone who was able to come and celebrate with us. The two pictures on the sides are of her on her actual birthday. Her stats from her WCC today are: weight: 16 lbs. 15 oz. 2%, height: 27 3/4 in. 13 %. Birth stats were: weight: 6 lbs. 6 oz. 5%, height: 19 in. She didn’t get any vaccines today due to the oral steroids she was on. So she gets her shots in three weeks. Although she has been consistently small she has done lots of growing this past year. She’s eating tons of different food, and is so far only allergic to broccoli, asparagus, and eggs. I know so sad. She got put on Zertec today. She says Mom, Dad, all done, oops, ya, Yaya, do you, hi, uh oh, ta da, yes, and many more words. She chatters at us all the time. She love reading (she reads to us), being read to, playing Starfall, talking on the phone, anything electronic, going on walks, playing with her Daddy, anything with her Mommy, singing, and of course Lamby. She gets closer to walking everyday and is everyday doing something new. Today I offically packed up the last of her 0-3 month outfits (yes she still wore some). She is mostly in 6-9 months with a chunk still being in 3-6 months. I tried on one of her new 12 month outfits on her today just to see… can we say elephant skin? I decided to still put them in her room so she could wear them on occasion. I may have to safety pin them, but they are so cute I want her to wear them. She got lots of dresses and those are easier to wear big. It’s been an amazing year, and everyday Jon and I feel so blessed to have Kaylee in our lives. She is the most amazing gift, and we are so thankful for her.
We love you baby girl! -Love, Mommy & Daddy.

2 thoughts on “Kaylee’s 1st Birthday Party

  1. Lance and Kim

    Happy Birthday Kaylee!!
    What a precious picture of her on the picture card you sent out. I cannot believe it has been one year, time really goes by so fast. She is precious as can be!

  2. Anonymous

    Dear Miss Kaylee Isabella Heaton

    Grandma & Grandad were so very pleased to receive your
    wonderful birthday picture today!!

    Thank you very much for thinking of us. You are
    one pretty little girl….

    We love you very much.

    Grandma & Grandad Sapp


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