O.K. not really, but definitely more than I would like. Jon get’s stuck in the mud, runs over boulders, or otherwise has issues backing out of our neighbors driveways. In his defense very few of the driveways in our neighborhood are paved, or have gravel. I guess that’s the price you pay for living in the middle of nowhere. At least we have paved roads to our houses. Half of our ward are not so lucky. Getting to their houses during the rains or the thaw is difficult at best. I think our next vehicle will have 4 wheel drive, because we both love our ward, neighborhood, and wide open space. Also just about everyone has towing supplies to pull people out when they get stuck. So it’s not too bad. Thank you Brother Maxwell! Could you just imagine if Jon would have been on his motorcycle?
- Cabela's (0.500)
- Awesome. (0.500)
- In bettween packing (0.500)
- Hair cuts (RANDOM - 0.274)
That’s so funny,you have the “are you freakin’ kiddin’ me?!” look on your face. Miss you guys!
P.s. have you eaten all the food you bought for our visit yet?
You don’t look too happy in the photo. I’m glad you were able to get out. I remember a time when we were in our old gray crappy car and we were driving over Cedar mountain to visit my sister. Jamie pulled off the side of the road to look at something and we sunk clear up to the rims on the one side. We sat for about an hour maybe two before someone came by to help us. Can’t wait to see you guys on saturday!! Thanks for the tips on Sam’s b-day.
Oh my goodness!! How funny is that!! I am glad you had help to get out. Was Kaylee with you for all of that? I wonder what she was thinking??