32nd birthday

Since we were unexpectedly in Utah for my birthday I got to go and have a visit with my sweet Grandma. Jon and Regan were at the hospital with Jon’s Dad having just the boys time. So we got to have some fun shopping and visiting for just the girls time. Woot!
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Part of shopping was getting me a birthday flan. Do you like my super annoyed mom face? Ya. My little buddy was having a melt down because, 1) He didn’t get to make me a cake, and 2) the cake I picked was full of dairy and eggs. Not kid friendly. This was strictly a grown up dessert. We did buy dessert for the kids and Jon (he doesn’t do flan). IMG_0400

And here we have a fake smile, because I had Regan melting down off camera. It was a happy sad day/birthday. Lots of fake smiling.IMG_0401

Kaylee was being hysterical. She was super happy to be singing to me.IMG_0404 IMG_0409He was truly devastated. My birthday flan was a last straw emotionally for him. Too many big feelings happening too close together. He misses our foster kids, Grandpa is in the hospital, he had to miss his first ever school field trip, and one of his favorite school friends birthday party all on the same weekend. So ya, my birthday flan broke him.

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