Category Archives: videos


I swear Kaylee throws the most spectacular temper tantrums (and really always has). It’s really a good thing I find them amusing. I think I’m amused by what sets her off. She is such a DRAMA QUEEN. Sooo looking forward to the teenage years. Jon says she’s already acting like a terrible two. I think she acts like a sulky teenager. The expressions she makes… I just know she’s thinking “Your ruining my life! Ugh!” Jon get’s way annoyed, but I really have to try hard not to laugh at her most of the time. (Laughing makes it worse.) Oh, and there are very rarely any tears. This one that I got on film was the result of me telling Kaylee she would have to walk down the hall (with my help) to living room. She really didn’t want to walk, but I wasn’t able to carry her at the time. And she had just woke up from a nap, thus the fit. She has such a stubborn feisty little personality and she really isn’t shy about sharing her feelings. So a few times a week (since she was 6 months old) she melts over something. She’s had a few more than normal lately due to a growth spurt and just feeling icky from that. And she normally stomps her feet, but didn’t this time. I wanted to show Jack’ee the foot stomping, because she used to stomp when she got angry as a kid. also she had been going like this for a couple of minutes before I got the camera out, and you will notice that she will get momentarily distracted by random things before remembering she was telling me off. It will be nice when she gets a bit older and can understand time out. Ahh good times…….

Happy Mother’s Day!

Jon did such an AWESOME job for Mother’s Day. Thank you Hunny. We had both our Mom’s over for dinner and to open their gifts. Jon was funny he kept kicking the girls out of the kitchen while he got dinner ready. Jon’s parents and cousin left after the gifts were opened. My family stayed and we had fun playing Cranium, watching Heroes, and of course were endlessly entertained by Kaylee’s cuteness. She made real progress with walking. But of course as soon as the camera comes out to film her she just wants the camera. So maybe we will catch her unaware somtime soon. We took a video that we find amusing. Hope you enjoy the video, and hope all you Mom’s out there had a great day.


Did you like the video? Jon’s Mom was so excited, and my Mom was a little bit in shock. Haha! So here is a small preview of baby #2 at 9 weeks 4 days along. We got an early ultrasound because of my horrible cramping to make sure everything was o.k. We are now into our 10th week. and the doctor says everything looks good and I just have to be on some hormone supplements for a few weeks to help with the lovely cramping that I also experienced for my entire pregnancy with Kaylee. Guess it’s just how my body reacts to being pregnant (woo hoo). The baby’s due date is December 10th approximately. We think our little blob is super cute, and are very excited for Kaylee to be a big sister.

Shaken Baby, a Horsey Ride, and Teeth.

These are some cute videos of Kaylee and Jon’s favorite games. Shaken baby makes me laugh every time. And she will only do it with her Daddy. He lifts her up, and she immediately starts making the noise. I love it! She also loves her horsey rides. She uses either Jon’s ears, or his hair to steer. She gets so giggly. And could have hours of horsey rides if Jon let her. I love watching these two play together. Also I finally got a good picture of Kaylee’s little teeth. Can’t believe how fast she’s growing.



My Cutie and her teeth. Razor sharp little buggers. 🙂 Thankfully she hasn’t bitten me yet. Keep your fingers crossed for me that she doesn’t. I hear it really hurts. 😉