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Egg Hunting

Our friends invited us over for a BBQ and egg hunt. It was SO fun! They got a trampoline (their Easter Bunny is way cooler than ours.:)) that Kaylee was very excited about. And they set up one of their inflatables (Owen’s Party Rentals in Cedar City) which was AWESOME. Regan caught on super fast for the egg hunt (I was VERY impressed), and did the majority of the hunt solo.

I thought Jon was taking photos as well as video, but it’s just the video…


Snoring and a Tiny Hand

For those who don’t know, Janice wears earplugs to bed each night and I don’t. You can guess why.

This morning a sleepy Regan came crawling into bed with us as he does most mornings while we all wake up and laid down beside me and started falling back to sleep. I started dozing myself and could hear my snoring start to ramp up. At about that time I feel this tiny little hand poking my arm trying to make the noise stop so he could fall back to sleep. I guess it’s just instinct to stir someone to get them to stop snoring. Still it was pretty cute.

– Jon
