Category Archives: Surgery

Kaylee’s hospital stay day 2

So I didn't take many pictures of today as it was SO boring. RN Craig came in at 6 am to remove her cath. She declared Craig her favorite person. Then our day got interesting. Every 20 – 30 min we would unplug her pulse/oxygen monitor and her IV and carry her to the toilet. It was a day full of potty trips. She didn't want to eat or drink anything so they were pumping her full of fluids to keep her hydrated. Today's goals were pain management, using the toilet, and eating solids.


I asked Kaylee how she was feeling after Craig finished up and her cath was gone. She was so happy she had now words. I got a sleepy drugged up smile and two thumbs up.



Most of the day she spent watching movie after movie. And sleeping. LOTS of sleeping.


Her awesome teacher came by to check on her and bring her some fun work. Kaylee was lightly sleeping when she arrived so I rubbed her arm and she opened her eyes and said, "Oh, hi Mrs. Bringhurst. I had surgery."  Kaylee was SO happy to see her. Mrs. B also brought Kaylee a lamb to snuggle with. We love Mrs. B so much. She is a wonderful teacher/person.


The staff brought Kaylee books, puzzles, coloring pages, a doll house, and games. She was only kinda interested in those things. BUT after her visit with Mrs. B  she wanted to pull out the crayons and do some brain work.


Kaylee wanted to bring many more of her stuffed animals with us. I told her she could pick two knowing she would get a new one from the staff when we checked in. So she brought Twilight and Pups from home. Then she chose her new bird "cotton candy" (named for having hair that looks like cotton candy) and Mrs. B brought her "Bow" (named for his bow tie). I really to love how easy her animals are to keep straight.


We ordered Kaylee some chicken broth after she delared that jello was NOT for her. It sat in our room until Jon brought in real food for us to eat. Then she announced that her belly was FINALLY hungry for her soup. She siad it was delish. After keeping the broth down we got to give her saltines and a cheese stick. This was exciting because her keeping down solids was one of our requirements pre discharge. She didn't eat a ton in the hospital, but she ate and drank just enough that her Ritchy gave us the green light to go home. She also was having awesome urine output and off the morphine.


Best face EVER when she was told that this was her last round of vitals. She was beyond thrilled that she was going home. Us too!




This was her second favorite part of her day. IV removal. WOOHOO!










Round two on the happy thumbs up.


Admiring her free foot.




Saying WOW because she was ready to walk out of there and just SUPER happy.


She insisted on walking out to the the car. She was very happy to be moving under her own power after two days.







IMG_1030She made it from the 8th floor to the parking garage before asking to be carried. It was not a short walk. We were all so happy to be heading to get our little buddy and go home.

Kaylee’s hospital stay day 1

We woke up at 4:30 am. Which is bad enough with out the drunken wrong number at 2:30 am. Ya. That sucked. I had a minor heart attack thinking the alarm didn't go off and the hospital was calling to see where we were. Nope. Just a drunky. I really wanted to call him back at 10 am and return the favor. Sleep is over rated right?



Meanwhile Kaylee was super alert and perky as we were getting admitted.




So today Kaylee had her kidney to bladder reflux repaired. It took just over two hours. They had a social worker come in to explain what was going to happen. Kaylee impressed the hospital staff with her knowledge of what was going to happen and got lots of "you're so smart", "you're so adorable", "you're so brave". The social worker left not having to explain anything and smiling. Her urologist and the anesthesiologist were both pleased with how well she did in surgery.


The first round of vitals are always exciting.


All gowned up and ready to wait. And wait. And wait.


To the play room!






Pre surgery chat with Dr. Ritchy. Kaylee always has really good questions for him. She calls him "My Ritchy"

Kaylee: So if this doesn't work what do we do?

Dr.: It will work. I've done this before.

Kaylee: Oh, okay.



While she slept we did TONS of writting and knocked out most of our Foster to Adopt paperwork.



Helloooo hand crap. Nice to feel you again. It has not been nearly long enough since you last visited.





Kaylee and Jon when she was finally coherent post surgery, She came out from under so calmly this time around. It was a nice surprise.


My girl and me post surgery.


Jon showing our first nurse how to trouble shoot the TV.


She got lots of oohs and ahhs over her soft Angie blanket. She couldn't spend the night in the hospital without it.


We lucked out and got a corner room. BIGGEST hospital room I have ever been in. It was honestly bigger than our master.


Poor kid scared me silly. She reacted poorly to something (they think it was her IV antibiotics). This happened about the same time that her epidural wore off and she could feel EVERYTHING. She was in pain (not due for her IV Motrin yet) and itchy. We had two nurses, a doctor, and two interns hovering around her deciding how bad her reaction was and what would be best to use to treat her. Jon thinks she just got herself worked up from finally being able to feel the cath and wanting to pee, but having painful bladder spasms. But she was trying to crawl out of her skin, and didn't want anyone to touch her. She does get flush when she gets worked up or over heated, but her face and around her eyes got puffy and that made us all worry.


They decided to push Morphine and Benedryl. About and hour later she was looking normal and passed out. She passed out kinda suddenly and that freaked Jon out. But she woke up enough to let us know she was just sleeping.


She ended her night with a visit from Emily and Josh. She got to facetime with Becca. Those two had a funny conversation.

Becca: I am at home on spring break.

Kaylee: I am in the hospital and board.

Plus Becca was full of really funny jokes.

Jon and Kaylee let me sleep. I ear plugged up and Jon took the night shift. Kaylee was up a couple of time during the night, but not too too bad for post surgery and in the hospital.

Post surgery ultrasound

Kaylee had her post surgery follow-up today after playgroup. A sweet friend watched Regan for me so I didn’t have to wrangle him. It made a world of difference.


Kaylee drank 20 oz of water for the ultrasound. Her bladder was FULL. She peed right before we got called back so I was worried that the tech wouldn’t get good readings. I had her guzzle more water just minutes before she got called back.


I think the tech Nancy was concerned about it too since she mentioned Kaylee having just voided her bladder, but we didn’t need to be. Her bladder was already SO full again.

Nancy, “Wow. I am surprised at how full her bladder is. It’s huge! She just peed right?”

She had to pee again half way through. They needed her to for measurements, and she HAD to go again.

I love that she is so happy and relaxed for her ultrasounds now. It just makes life nicer.

“It’s not scary or ouchy Mom. It just tickles!”


While we waited for Dr. R. Kaylee decided to give Lamby a check up.


She thought that it was too funny.


Her deflux procedure looked good on the ultrasound, BUT she’s been just this week having UTI symptoms, and her urine had white blood cells in it. So it’s being shipped off to the lab. And while we wait for results she is getting a double dose of her daily antibiotics.

Dr. R. also mention she had some “pooling” of fluids, but that it was nothing to worry about and was common in people with extra tubes like Kaylee has. It was more of a FYI sort of deal. So it’s getting jotted down lest I forget.

Her Dr. asked her how she was doing.

“I doing good. I just have anodder UTI.” Just so matter of fact like.

Dr.,”WOW. You are really smart.” There was high fiving and fist pounding.

Ya. We think she’s pretty smart too.

Oh, and she peed again right before we left. Three times in one hour! And it was quite a lot each time. I swear by the last one you could have bottled what was coming out of her! Crystal clear. If I hadn’t been in the bathroom with her I wouldn’t have believed she actually went!