Category Archives: snow

Sledding fun.

We finally went sledding last Saturday with family & friends. It wasn’t Kaylee’s first time in the snow, but it was her first time playing in it. Kaylee didn’t like being so bundled (so we didn’t last long), but she LOVED sledding. She is definitely my roller coaster child. She’s always loved everything fast and big. Can’t wait to take her to theme parks she’ll be tons of fun on all the rides. I’ll post the video of us going down the hill with her as soon as Jon comes home to show me which of the million cables is the one for the video camera. 😉


A note for Grandma Sapp (from some kids who miss the Sun):
It’s getting cold at our house. I’m finding myself making more excuses for skipping the afternoon walk. As you can see Kaylee loves her walks. So even though I hate the cold we bundle up and head outside. Oh how I wish we lived someplace where getting the mail didn’t mean putting on the snow boots. Sigh……….