Category Archives: school

First day of school 2014

We woke up super early to make bacon and pancakes and blast Pandora on the TV to wake up our not morning people kids. So they had a dance party while we got breakfast cooked up.

IMG_7451 IMG_7452After they danced themselves awake they got dressed and sat down to eat a hot breakfast. I am not a morning person at all. So this was pretty much a one time deal. Cereal and milk, or a granola bar to go are our usual school breakfast options. Sometimes on Fridays they get a poptart….. And they mostly help themselves. This is why I bulk batch pancakes and muffins. They freeze well and it's just 30 seconds in the microwave and then they get a hot breakfast.   IMG_7453 IMG_7472Jon telecommutes on Thursdays, and since the first day of school was a Thursday he was able to go with us. IMG_7474Kaylee got dropped off at the play gound and was not really into goodbyes this year. SO this last minute adjustment of her backpack was all I got. 🙁 IMG_7475She paused long enough to get a fast picture with Jon and then was off in the blink of an eye. It was a happy/sad moment for us. IMG_7476We got a few more/better shots with Regan. He was JUST as excited as Kaylee. IMG_7477 IMG_7479 IMG_7482We only managed one quick picture in the class room before he was off exploring. IMG_7732The next day I realized I didn't get pictures of their backpacks. Regan got TNMNT and loves it. Click and buy. Delivered to our door. I may be addicted to online shopping…. His backpack was SO so so easy. 20 minutes of snuggle time while looking online with him for his bag. Perfect. IMG_7743Kaylee was VERY specific on what she wanted. Pink. With a pink Wonder Woman, and silver stars. WHAT?! When I told her I didn't think they made pink WW backpacks she assured me that that was fine since she knew I could just make one for her. WHAT!?!?!

I spent 5 hours hunting down a pink WW patch that was big enough. FIVE HOURS! She has not a clue how much I love her. I bought a plain pink backpack and silver star patches and sewed them on the bag. She was beyond thrilled and very grateful. I really love how unique it is. Just like Kaylee. IMG_7745

1st and last days of school. Kindergarten year 1

It's so sad how quickly this school year went. Kaylee was excited about going to school EVERY SINGLE DAY. She had the best teacher and awesome classmates. I love her passion for learning and her joy she gets when she masters a new skill.

934702_10201593754026276_77022428_n  day 180

The second to last day of school was the awards assembly and class party. Kaylee had a different second half of the school year than we expected. We found out that she has some speech and some fine motor strength skills that were causing some issues with her work. She started meeting with the speech and O.T. specialists at the school to work on stuff. IMG_4839IMG_4840

IMG_4843  IMG_4848Kaylee worked very hard on her "finger exercises" and was able to have legible handwriting by the end of the year. You seriously could not read a thing she wrote prior to her O.T. sessions. The difference is AMAZING.


Kaylee as we all know is epically klutzy. She was the only kiddo to get assisted off the stage by TWO staff members. I was kinda craking up when I saw this happen. Her teachers aid is the one in stripes. She knows Kaylee all to well and wasn't going to let her down those steps solo. HA.


So I seriously don't know why these photos are sideways and cannot for the life of me figure out how to fix them (refusing to ask Jon to do it for me. I WILL figure this out. Eventually, just not now….)     This is Kaylee with Mrs. B. We love her so much.IMG_4900And Kaylee with Mrs. W. This lady is AMAZING. We love her too. IMG_4899

Her teacher did a class awards ceremony where she gave each child an individual award and said sweet things about them. Lots of the children got similar awards. Kaylee was the only one to receive "The most persistent" award. Mrs. B told the class how she was so impressed at how hard Kaylee tries, and how she never gives up. Even when it's something really frustrating she just keeps at it until it clicks. We have been trying to teach her to channel her stubbornness (which I think is a great quality to have) for good. Seems like we are doing okay. Yea. And I definitely like the word persistent over stubborn. So I will use that from now on.IMG_4896They did a super cute program for the parents that came to the end of year party. ADORABLE! IMG_4887

And we had them play several fun/funny games. IMG_4882 IMG_4866 IMG_4901IMG_4855


It was a fun end of year party. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had this year to be a homeroom Mom. I really don't think I will ever be able to spend so much time in the classroom ever again. I couldn't have done it with out Shannon watching Regan for me faithfully once a week, or without my awesome homeroom Mom team. It was such a great first year of school. Kaylee is super excited to do it all again next year.

And yes that does mean she will be doing Kindergarten again. It was a LONG process (months and many meetings) deciding that retention would be best to keep her love of school and learning going strong, and give her a chance to catch up on her speech, fine motor strength and speed (she works SOOO slow. Keeping pace was a major issue.). We really just don't want her to slowly start slipping behind and have school be a struggle EVER. She would do okay in first grade, and likely pass first grade but it would be difficult. And she would most likely end up hating school. Which would be so sad since she really really LOVES school.

Also after we finally made the decision I chatted with my school teacher Dad about it. BEST phone call ever. He thought it was a brilliant idea to give her another year and said that he sees too many students that just get shuffled through when they just are not quite ready and how hard that is for the students and teachers. His words were soothing balm to my soul.

So Kindergarten year one is done, and we are all looking forward to Kindergarten year two!