Category Archives: regan

Regan’s Kinder field trip

Jon went on this field trip with Regan. Regan was over the moon to have his Daddy go.

IMG_5194 IMG_5200 IMG_5206 IMG_5208 IMG_5214Play followed by lunch and then good times at an amusement park.  Such a fun fun field trip!IMG_5223

Regan found out about Star Wars at Disneyland and has been begging to go. BUT he’s not one for rides. I can barely get him onto a stationary bench on a merry go round! I told him if he rode all the rides we could go to Disneyland as part of our California spring break mini vacation.IMG_5225 IMG_5235 IMG_5241 IMG_5258This right here usually causes tears and panicking. Jon said he was HIGHLY motivated.IMG_5261 IMG_5287I picked up Kaylee and Hannah and Kaylee was desperate to know if Disneyland was happening. on called and simply said, “He rode the rides.” So I passed the message and the squeals of happiness and excitement about ruptured my eardrums. I guess we are headed to Disneyland. 🙂 I’m not complaining at all.

School V-day parties

Jon and I were both able to go to the kids class Valentine parties. Regan’s finished about twenty minutes before Kaylee’s started. AND Jon had the day off work. So pretty much an awesome day all around.

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And Jon claimed camera duty so here I am Momming in photos! IMG_4686 IMG_4688

I brought Thin Mints for him and he had a few super jealous class mates. Couldn’t blame them. They were stuck with sugar cookies.IMG_4689

Then we were off to party with Kaylee.IMG_4691 IMG_4692

She too got the Thin Mints. Sometimes allergies aren’t the worst. Also I made Jon get in a few pictures to prove he went to a class party.IMG_4693 IMG_4698And then an awkward sibling photo while we waited for Jon to finish taking down all the ceiling decor. He didn’t even need a chair…..

Visiting Sapp Greats

We wen and had a nice visit with Jon Grandparents. Jon fixed the t.v. and showed off his and Regan’s quadcopters. The kids LOVE when Jon can land Regan’s min quad on their hands.

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Regan’s was a gift from his Babushka. Jon built his own. So he was showing his Grandad how it all came together.IMG_3655 IMG_3656

Grandma Sapp always has a little snack for this two and a little prize to bring home as well. They would love her just was much without the goodies, but goodies are always nice.IMG_3659These kiddos sure do love their great Grandparents.