Category Archives: ramblings

Various injuries.

Sometimes we’re stupid humans who forget to take safety precautions and pay a painful price.

Proof of summer fun while renovating a house.
The Office is coming along nicely. This night we were cutting out the old window patch and putting in a new sheet of siding. With a nail gun.
Whelp. I took off my safety glass once on the inside away from the nail gun to give Jon directions. I took a nail TO MY EYE. SOOOOOOOOO scary. And painful. And HELLLLLOOOOO gaurdian angels. The nail flipped and didn’t stab me but did slam into my eye and cheek longways and left deep tissue bruising and tenderness. It HURT. Jon has much guilt. Freak accident that could have been so so bad.
The bruising didn’t photo well, but it goes up into my brow and down my cheek bone. Bleh.
Then as my eye bruising was going away I had a VERY horrible parenting experience with my trauma girls. SO, I headed outside to rip weeds out and “cool” off. It took me longer than I anticipated to calm myself down and the result was 2nd and 3rd degree sunburn. OUCH. The sunblock was even on the counter. I booked it out of the house to avoid a physical altercation. Bleh.
I couldn’t wear a shirt for an entire week.
The day after the burning Jon sliced his hand open in his shop. It’s looked like a murder scene. IT took so much peroxide to clean the shop and patio.
His injury required medical attention. So, I cried while putting on a shirt and took him to get stitches. We’re a hot mess right now.
Weeks later you can’t hardly see the scar. He healed so nicely. I on the other hand have deep pigmentation from my burn. It’s not good.

Paint room, data/power trench, and little visitors

We rented a trencher. Best life choice ever. It’s cruddy ground ant a long line to trench by hand to get all the lines and conduit laid for power and internet.
Josh brought his babes and the kids got cousin time.
Scott and Josh helped baby sit the trencher. It’s SO hot outside.
I got the paint room built I I can refinish cabinets and doors in a clean space.
And Jon had fun torching the pipe to bend it into shape.
And It was SO hot. SO SO SO hot.