Category Archives: projects

Joshily house

Got some crown up. YEA! As the resident painterish person. I have to say painting crown molding kinda sucks. It looks SO pretty though.


Shannon is our cutting pro. She is in charge of all cuts. She is awesome. IMG_0579 IMG_0573 IMG_0574 IMG_0575 IMG_0576 IMG_0579 IMG_0586 IMG_0588 IMG_0591 IMG_0596 IMG_0565

I think I should just do random posts of this kid stuffing his face. He has hollow legs. I just can’t think of where else the vast amounts of food go. It’s amazing. Jon and I are already dreading what our grocery bill is going to be like when this kid is in middle and high school. And having friends over…. We may have to open a special savings account and start stashing money now. FYI: This was slice 4 of his own pizza. That’s right. He gets an entire pizza to himself.IMG_0568 IMG_0570

Tray volcanos

This activity takes about two minutes to set up and entertains the children for a good hour. It’s awesome that baking soda, food coloring, vinegar can be so fun!

After they are out of reactive fun they get all mad scientisty with their pretend play. It’s all Jekyll and Hyde (SO should have recorded THAT bit!), and witches and wizards at the the kitchen table.

Kaylee couldn’t figure out how to use the medicine dropper, so I had to stop filming and teach her how to do it.