Category Archives: projects

Wonder Woman

Today instead of cleaning the house I made Kaylee's Halloween costume. I think it was a much better use of my time. The house may not agree…..


IMG_4621To be honest I put the stars on her skirt last night. I am getting a TON of use out of my silhouette! SO SO SO much faster than cutting out freezer paper by hand! Today I dyed, washed, and dried a shirt red, and put the logo on it. Plus made a couple of boots.


Also I still need to make her bracelets. You know, so she can deflect those bullets. I have a plan for those. Should be easy peasy.



Her boots are made out of duct tape. Took me a bout 45ish minutes to do both boots. I cut them off in the back, and her foot just slips in and out. We will just duct tape them on her when we need to.


And she will be rocking her navy blue shorts instead of her black shorts. Because there will be lots of kicking bad guys.




She is pretty fond of her lasso of truth.






Man we are EXCITED about Halloween around here! And you can really see my couple pieces of scotch tape in these last few photos.

Nathan’s party

We had so much fun at Nathan's party. I loved his requested pinata, and how it turned out.

IMG_3019 IMG_3020 IMG_3022 IMG_3023 IMG_3025 IMG_3027 IMG_3033 IMG_3038 IMG_3043 IMG_3047 IMG_3053 IMG_3054 IMG_3055 IMG_3057 IMG_3058 IMG_3059 IMG_3061 IMG_3062 IMG_3064 IMG_3066 IMG_3067 IMG_3070 IMG_3071 IMG_3076 IMG_3080 Regan couldn't get enough of this cake. I thought he was done so I tossed his last two bites, and that was an epic mistake. His sweet Aunt Shannon sent him home with a nice large slice. He had a yummy snack the next day. This boy of mine loves chocolate, and dairy free chocolate is a special treat far and few between. Shannon made the cake dairy and egg yolk free so both Kaylee and Regan got to enjoy it.IMG_3082 IMG_3085

A giant ruler

A long, long time ago I dreamed of having a growth chart that we could move around with. I shared this dream with Jon. And then nothing. I saw all these cute kid growth charts that you could buy, but they only went up to five feet tall. Now if the children take after me that's not an issue, but Jon is six two. I really wanted to have a chart that went up to 6.5 feet. And only heaven knows what height genetics our future children may have. I decided that we would have to make our own.

So the years passed, and I never found anything that I LOVED design wise to make/buy. Plus it was all so pricey. Fast forward 7 years. We now have a kindergartner, and I have been taking a daily photo of her. Day two of school Jon laments that we don't have anything to visually note her growth in the photos. I remind him of my growth chart dream, and we promptly get online and look up some options. Low and behold we found something that we BOTH love. For the right price even! (Go here. So easy and so fast!)

We bought our supplies and then waited a few days for Jon to have a "good" day so he could help with this project.  This is something I totally could have done myself, but it was SO much fun doing it together.

026We could have done this project much more frugally, by painting the ruler marks on, however for ease, speed, and convince we paid extra for precut vinyl. It was SO very worth the ten bucks.

027 031 032 Anyhow we've been chatting about how this thing is going to get filled up with our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren's measurements. Happiness.