Category Archives: preggo

And so it begins…

So I was at my OB’s for an appointment and he decided to send me the Labor & Delivery. He wasn’t pleased by the frequency of my contractions. It really didn’t help that I had one while he was checking to see is I was dilating (which I am a little.) Not my ideal FHE, but what do you do. So I decided to look at it as a date night with my awesome hubby. It was nice having 1 on 1 time with Jon. Kaylee got to go have dinner and TONS of fun at Jake and Cole’s with their crew for FHE. She looked so cute in her cousins pj’s when we finally were able to grab her. Thanks guys you are the BEST! So after Jon and I dropped off Kaylee we grabbed dinner before I was officially told I couldn’t eat. We made the mistake of not eating first before going to L&D once. As we were finding a spot to park we ran into our neighbor/friend/nurse who told us to take our sweet time eating as L&D was swamped. So we had a yummy inside our car picnic, then headed inside to get in line. About an 1 1/2 later we finally had a bed. Several hours later they sent us home with the much HATED anti contraction meds. Which is exactly what Jon and I knew would happen. Which is why I wasn’t in a rush to go to L&D and sort of dragged my feet the whole time. I’m hoping they put me on the one I like and actually works soon. Anyhow I’m just feeling really super grateful for my sweet visiting teachers and R.S. president who came and cleaned my house just so beautifully. They are coming weekly (this was the second time) and it’s so nice having a clean house when you feel all icky with contractions. It’s really nice not to have to scrub a bathroom down. Today they not only cleaned my house, but they put fresh sheets on my bed. I am so looking forward to crawling into a nice crisp bed. It’s just one of my favorite things in life. There is just something about a fresh sheets on a nicely made bed that I just really LOVE. So even though I feel icky from the meds, I feel great sitting in a clean house. Also don’t anyone worry. This is just how I am while preggo, everything is fine. My uterus just likes to have fun every 10 mins (on the meds) for the last several months. Good news though we only have 3 months left! Which means this time I only have to take the meds for 3 months instead of 4 like I did with Kaylee. So Regan is still an easier pregnancy. WOO HOO 3 months!!!