It’s hard to believe that it’s been 10 months since we met this little guy. He sure has come a long long way. He still doesn’t really like me, but I do get some really random hugs which is super nice. HE had so much fun at his party. Was all sorts of confused waking up from his nap to a house full of people. But he LOVED smashing his pinata.
Category Archives: pinata
Kaylee’s 7th birthday party
Kaylee wanted a science themed party. She loves math and science. "Mom we can just do some experiments and you don't even have to decorate!"
WHAT?!?! It's like she doesn't even know me.
I told her I loved the party theme, but that she would have to deal with decorations. I made a bunch of banners using periodic elements to spell everything out. She LOVED it!
Due to an unfortunate bee situation our front door was not accessible. Good times…..
And here we have the lab queen herself. She was killing me with her cuteness. She did her own "crazy busy science girl hair" by then end of the party it was a bigger hot mess. LOVED it!
Baking soda and vinegar to blow up balloons.
Some cornstarch and water for a little Non-Newtonian Fluid fun. They were t this longer than I expected. I forget how fun this stuff is.
We had TANG because it's all sciencey and stuff. Astronaut drink and all. Plus it yummy. And some super yummy (guests said so) dairy/egg free chocolate cupcakes.
And of course coke and mentos. I got baby coke bottles for each child. They all really like getting to do their own. Jon got some really fun footage on the GoPros.
I went to check on the epic disaster of cornstarch and water fun. WOW. They had fun.
Kaylee conducted the birthday song this year. I was cracking up.
Her requested beaker pinata lasted threw all the kids. Uncle Josh helped her finish it off in the end.
I LOVE this shot of Owen. Great form!
This purple dress fro Yaiyai was two years in the making. Kaylee had very specific requests in her dream purple sparkly dress in that it needed to be pretty, sparkly, but still soft and not itchy. She was beyond thrilled.
She had fun popping balloons from her friends. "I'm so rich now!" Ha!
I tell her she has an elf ear. She has and ear that has an extra cartilage ridge that form a capitol E and it's a bit pointed at the top. She has taken to working on projects in the garage and has her own mini workshop. So we got her some proper sized tool and gear. She was SO happy to have tools that are real and fit her little hands.
Later that night after everything was cleaned up I got to hold my not so little anymore girl while relaxing on the couch. She passed out and I was near tears that it was my last time holding her as a six year old. I am such a big baby. For the past six months I've been telling her to just stop growing. Her response is always the same, "I can't stop. Just talk to Jesus about it." Hard to argue with that huh?
UFA family BBQ
We had this awesome fun family United for Adoption BBQ to go to. Jon got sick so I decided to Mom up and take the five solo. Because I’m an idiot.
Holy crap. I was trying SO hard not to cry driving home after. I did curl up in my bed next to my sick hubby and just cry it out with lots of whining. LOTS.
I cannot take R anywhere without Jon. He doesn’t like me and thinks it’s funny to hit me and throw things at me, and just plain not listen. Ever and at all. I was SO emotionally/mentally/physically drained after this party. I did not have fun.
The kiddos had lots of fun so for that reason alone I am glad I Momed up and took them to play.
He doesn’t look terribly scary does he? But boy, oh boy is this one exhausting. He had fun in between meltdowns which where always….
Olivia knew I was coming and asked what pinata I was going to make. Because a party+Janice= pinata. BWHAHAHAHAHA! I asked her what kind of pinata I should make. She chose a cornucopia since it was close to Thanksgiving… Reasons I love Olivia.
This is me making an effort (I did promise Shannon) to be IN pictures and not just take them. And little Monkey slept most of the party. She’s good to me like that.