Category Archives: party

Glazner pool party

After Kaylee’s dance recital we headed over to our friend’s house for a pool party.
IMG_7113“But I don’t want to eat. I just want to plaaaaay.”IMG_7123 IMG_7128 IMG_7132 IMG_1180 IMG_1171 IMG_1170 IMG_1165I got to a point where I was tired of telling V to just stand up and so she got evicted from the pool. She would take a step and panic and flop down into the water even though standing her head and part of her shoulders was above water.And then she would be choking on water and still just not standing. She got sent to the play set on dry ground. Much safer for all.

Jon is ready to give up on going out as a family. Being held hostage to a demanding toddler, and a four year old that gets kicks from doing the opposite of what you ask is not super fun.

New Years Eve 2014

Sam and Barry joined at Jon's parents house to ring in the new year. Barry had the baby most of the time. He is going to be a great Dad someday.


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The girls going to town on blueberries with Aunt Sam.


The kids put on a New Year Eve variety show. Hilarious. 



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And then the ran around wild and slowly dropped like flies. Almost all of them made it past midnight.