Category Archives: new years

New Years eve 2012

Jon’s sister’s in-laws let us come and party with them. Pizza, chips, dip, dessert, and a whole lot of Mexican train. We made it until 10 pm before going home. The children and I crashed as soon as we got home. Jon did give me a New Years kiss at midnight before he too passed out.

Kaylee and Issac in the playroom.

So thank you Day Family. We had a blast.



Kaylee stayed up with everyone to ring in the New Year. I was pleasantly surprised that she made it with only hungry fussing (and not much of that), not any tired fussing. She had so much fun playing and interacting with everyone, that she didn’t even want to nap. We as always had an awesome time at Jaime and Linda’s. They sure know how to throw a party. Food, games, laughter, and TONS of fun! I have two thing to say…SCONES & KEY LIME PIE! Woo Hoo.

Kaylee in her car seat at about 12:30 am. She was ready to keep playing. Just a little wired with excitement. And yes we payed the price for messing with her schedule, but it was worth it. 😉