Category Archives: Kayleeisms

Kayleeism on adoption

556Kaylee prays daily for her missing siblings. This prayer was particularly sweet to me, so I wrote it down.

She was felling sad about not having a baby, so we talked yesterday about how we are looking for the right birthmom, just like she is looking for the right family. And that that is why we don’t have a baby yet. I am glad that Kaylee seems to understand.

So after lunch today Kaylee gets up and announces:

“Everybody be quite and reverent. I’m going to say an adoption prayer. (Clears thought LOUDLY.)

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for this day. Thank you Mommy, Daddy, Kaylee, Regan. Please bless we could adopt a baby. We could adopt a sister and bring her home. Please bless our special lady to find us. That she will know Kaylee is the big sister, Regan is the big brother, Mommy is the Mommy, and Daddy is the Daddy. You can do anything. Name Jesus Christ, Amen. ”

She usually says brother or sister. And then just references a sister for the rest of her prayers. But today it was all about sister, and finding the right birthmom, and us her.

I love her complete faith in her Heavenly Father, and that I get to have her sweet spirit around to help me remember to have faith in all things.


Kaylee LOVES shoes. She tries on EVERY new pair of shoes that comes to our house.

Here she is in Emily’s knee high boots. I thought she looked ready for some fly fishen’!

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Emily thought she looked like she was wearing old school leg braces when she tried to walk.

Kaylee thought it was too funny!


Kaylee was painting her nails during a Regan nap. I was painting a Barbie doll (Say no to naked barbies. Nail polish a bathing suit on them!). We do this often. It’s part of our “Just the girls, not the boys!” activities.

Kaylee got some nail polish on her skin and said, “Clean up on aisle 2!”
Mama, “Did you just say clean up on aisle 2?”
Kayee, “Ya. I am just so silly!”

So here are some silly pictures of little miss.
Regan's 3rd Birthday 132 Regan's 3rd Birthday 131 Regan's 3rd Birthday 133 Regan's 3rd Birthday 134

And then we both started laughing. And laughing.

Regan's 3rd Birthday 138

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