Category Archives: Kaylee

School V-day parties

Jon and I were both able to go to the kids class Valentine parties. Regan’s finished about twenty minutes before Kaylee’s started. AND Jon had the day off work. So pretty much an awesome day all around.

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And Jon claimed camera duty so here I am Momming in photos! IMG_4686 IMG_4688

I brought Thin Mints for him and he had a few super jealous class mates. Couldn’t blame them. They were stuck with sugar cookies.IMG_4689

Then we were off to party with Kaylee.IMG_4691 IMG_4692

She too got the Thin Mints. Sometimes allergies aren’t the worst. Also I made Jon get in a few pictures to prove he went to a class party.IMG_4693 IMG_4698And then an awkward sibling photo while we waited for Jon to finish taking down all the ceiling decor. He didn’t even need a chair…..

Visiting Sapp Greats

We wen and had a nice visit with Jon Grandparents. Jon fixed the t.v. and showed off his and Regan’s quadcopters. The kids LOVE when Jon can land Regan’s min quad on their hands.

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Regan’s was a gift from his Babushka. Jon built his own. So he was showing his Grandad how it all came together.IMG_3655 IMG_3656

Grandma Sapp always has a little snack for this two and a little prize to bring home as well. They would love her just was much without the goodies, but goodies are always nice.IMG_3659These kiddos sure do love their great Grandparents.

Adventures in Foster Respite

Wednesday morning I got a phone call from our foster agency.

“I see you both are Medically Fragile certified. Are you available this weekend to provide respite for an NG tube baby?”

“Uhhhhh….. We took the training, but we’ve never done anything like that before….. We are available this weekend. I’ll have to check with my Husband.”

“I’ll have his foster mom call you and chat about it.”


Then I called Jon. He was fine with it. I was terrified. Pretty much sums up our relationship.

After a LOONG phone call with his foster mom I decided to go for it. She came by Thursday afternoon to give us training and go over all his daily medical stuff.

Turns out it wasn’t scary or hard. Just new and different. That seems to be how life goes. New is scary, until you do it and then not so much. Also Jon handled all his machine stuff. I’m cool with meds, but machines kinda are more his department. So I did all the meds and Jon did the nightly machine stuff.

This little guy that we got to love on for a few days was SOOOOOOOO cute. Tiny and little and new. We all decided that it was so nice having a baby in the house again. Sleep depriving, but so nice.IMG_4186 IMG_4209Our little weekend visitor’s favorite position was just like this on Jon’s belly. Or laying on my chest. We don’t have pictures of that though.