Category Archives: Joshily house

Joshily house

Got some crown up. YEA! As the resident painterish person. I have to say painting crown molding kinda sucks. It looks SO pretty though.


Shannon is our cutting pro. She is in charge of all cuts. She is awesome. IMG_0579 IMG_0573 IMG_0574 IMG_0575 IMG_0576 IMG_0579 IMG_0586 IMG_0588 IMG_0591 IMG_0596 IMG_0565

I think I should just do random posts of this kid stuffing his face. He has hollow legs. I just can’t think of where else the vast amounts of food go. It’s amazing. Jon and I are already dreading what our grocery bill is going to be like when this kid is in middle and high school. And having friends over…. We may have to open a special savings account and start stashing money now. FYI: This was slice 4 of his own pizza. That’s right. He gets an entire pizza to himself.IMG_0568 IMG_0570

Depot of homes.


I did help aside from taking photos. Just wanted to throw that out there.

IMG_8234 IMG_8235Went with the lady’s to pick out some baseboard and crown molding for the Joshily house.  Got asked for directions to the bathroom by some guy who though I worked there because I was pushing a lumber cart.  Really?!

Guy: Excuse me. Where’s your bathrooms?

Me: I don’t know, I don’t work here……

Guy: Oh, I thought you did since your pushing that thing.

Me: Nope. Just buying lumber.

Guy looks me up and down: Good luck with that.

I was wearing paint stained cloths and sandals. Pretty sure home depot employees are not allowed to wear sandals to work.  Plus they all have those ORANGE aprons.

I did find out where the bathrooms where located later that shopping trip through.

Joshily house demo continued.

Photos are NOT in any sort of order. Different days and times all mixed together. Enjoy.

IMG_7793Getting rid of unnecessary walls and closets had competently changed the feel of the Meadow house!

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Who needs a wheel barrow when the house comes with own shopping cart. Seriously fantastic. IMG_7788 IMG_7787 IMG_7785

Regan asks every day to, “Go Josh and Emly house an use my baby Regan hammer?” IMG_7783 IMG_7804

She came inside giggling because they decided to sidewalk chalk each other instead of the sidewalk.

They do spend lots of time playing outside, and more time watching movies while the adults work. But they do LOVE “helping” with the demo/remo efforts though. And yes they are watched. There are MANY pairs of eyes on these two.

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I know! And that was ONE wall in ONE room. There were painted over staples, and nails, and…… Twas bad!

IMG_8224This is where/what they spend most of their time. Kaylee watching a movie, and Regan playing Angry birds. Hmm not sure what those two were doing with the shop vac….

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Helping hammer out some tile to make life easier for the carpet instal.IMG_8209 IMG_8210

She really was enjoy herself, and I did put safety glasses on her after taking these pics. IMG_8212 IMG_8214 IMG_8216

She enjoyed painting letters on the wall.IMG_7801 IMG_7803OH BOY! Yes well, he was working that HARD!