Category Archives: jon

time flies when you are having fun!

Four years ago I was blessed to be sealed for time and all eternity to my best friend. It’s hard to believe that four years goes by SO fast. It’s comforting to know we get each other forever. Time here goes way too fast so having forever is good. I love this guy and the awesome life we have together. Four years, five pregnancies, and two kids later I still sort-of-kind-of-really-really (insert wink here) LOVE Jon!


New Family photos

My parents needed new pictures of all of us before Barry ships out. The last ones of my sibs and me Jon took four years ago before we got married. We really needed new ones. So here are a few of my favorites. Jon and I still need to get individual photos of our two babes. This was during one of Regan’s nap times so we couldn’t get him to smile. Also there are TONS of pictures. Enjoy!

The very first picture taken. Cracks me up how my sibs are doing their own thing not realizing that a picture is being taken. Classic!

Kreyling family as of March 2010.

Landscape of the same photo.

My siblings and me, the WHITE one on the end. I’m just glad I’m sitting by Jack’ee who works graveyard and never sees the sun, and not Barry who does see the sun.

Tired Regan and his Papa.

It was so sweet when Kaylee reached over to give Regan a hug.

Too bad he was sleepy crabby and did not appreciate the hug.

Kaylee is going to really miss her “rarry” when he leaves for his mission.

All of us plus Jack’ee’s boyfriend Jason. He was great at helping keep an eye on Kaylee while she wondered around, and taking photos too.

OK, I think I may be part albino! Hahaha! Seriously though…. It cracks Jon up that I am SO WHITE! I am so proud of Barry for choosing to go on a mission. I sure am going to miss my brother while he is gone.

Kaylee had to join Sam while she was getting her individual photo taken.

Poor Kaylee had not had an accident for a week when she suddenly stood up and said, “Oh no! Help!” And then she peed. She was so sad. I had extra stuff so we were able to get her clean and comfy.

I just love this picture. I think it’s so sweet. Sad Kaylee looking behind her at her accident.


whip it, whip it good! and other AWESOMENESS!

These two whipped each other around for a good ten minuets.

We had a really fun cousin sleepover on Friday night. Six kiddos under seven. Two of those under one. And one potty training. Would we do it again? Heck ya! Pizza, Monkey Ball, Movies… Does life get any better?

Hard as it is to imagine? Yes, it gets way better! We were so blessed to not only attended Cassie Joan’s baptism, but be part of it by way of giving the prayers. I gave the opening and Jon the closing. Cassie was the only baptism in her steak this month so it really was a day all about her. So much fun!

Then we were super duper blessed to be able to go to the Temple with Barry. It’s such an AWESOME feeling being in such a holey place with your family. My Aunt Maggie and cousin Kelly watched our sweet babies so we could both go through for Barry’s first time. We thought one of us would have to stay behind, and are so grateful for Maggie and Kelly watching the kids. Sam had to rush to work, and Jamie off to home. So those two missed the photo op.

I appliqued this tie onto a onesi for Regan. I wanted him to have a church outfit, but also wanted the outfit to be comfy. Plus being strapped for cash = get creative. I’m making him a few more. We got lots of compliments on his cute outfit. I loved not having to mess with collars, ties, or vests. Regan was comfy, cute, and happy. I was happy too.