Category Archives: janice

A little dance recital

We got to go and see Vivi and her big sister’s winter dance recital.
IMG_3065 IMG_3066We got to love on our Monkey Girl for an hour! She happily bounced back and forth between all of our laps.IMG_3072 IMG_3074 IMG_3167These two sisters are so amazingly adorable.IMG_3175

And RJ willingly and happily came and cuddled with me! Poor kid was SO tired.IMG_3180

After the performance we braved the mad house and tried to get a few pictures with the kids.IMG_3184 IMG_3187

RJ’s face looking at Regan cracks me up!IMG_3188 IMG_3189 IMG_3190Six cute kids. Two very tired babies. Picture taking craziness.

So grateful we got to spend some time with this sweet family and snuggle with pieces of our hearts for a bit today. All the love!


school Christmas parties

He was so happy when he won musical chairs. Also I get this wink and finger click ALL.THE.TIME. Started last year when he was in preschool. Just walking pass Kaylee’s open classroom looks in and sees me and tosses one of these my way and just keeps walking like it’ no big deal. He’s the best.

This girl. Love her.

One of the Moms made this fruit tree. I am NOT that Mom. But it was too cool not to document.

Kaylee took this one of me. AND I don’t hate it, so bam! She ate ALL the cheetos she could. And mint Oreos because she knows where its at. 😉