Category Archives: house

Purple princess room. Before and After

Kaylee wanted a purple princess room for the “new” house. I knew the children would be sharing so I had a more neutral color in mind. Jon and I always shared a room with siblings, and the kids like sharing a room. So until they get older and it’s odd they will continue to share. This is a before and after of The Nursery. A.K.A the purple princess room.

My first color choice was a shade of green that ended up looking poopy like the carpet. Not good. They (I was still packing in UT.) put one coat on and then called me. We decided that I would pick a new color after seeing the green in person.

I herd nonstop about how great it would be to have a purple princess room. So did everyone else.

Josh said I should just do purple because guys can do purple and it’s a gender neutral color. I told him I’d send Regan his way in later years if I got flack about having him in a purple room. Then Kaylee and I went to the store and I let her pick from three color chips.

2011-10-22_11-41-26_397And here is a photo of said poopy carpet. Literal poop. I decided against posting the dookie photo. GROSS! So this is the master carpet, but it’s all the same. And I am SO happy I missed out on dealing with that beast. They cleaned the cement. A LOT.2011-10-22_11-42-45_316

The room was this pink color that I HATED. And came with popcorn ceilings. So those had to go.2011-09-17_15-44-56_912

The ugly old yellowed switches and outlets went away too.2011-09-17_15-44-31_373 2011-11-11_22-09-54_265Dwayne installed most of the new floor for the house. He’s awesome like that. Pretty pretty floor.


So she got her princess room. But I did it my way. I didn’t want her to grow out of her room in a few years, and then have to do it over. So I decided to make a room that is meaningful for our family and that she can grow with.

I had her grandparents and the Greats that she knows send me a favorite wedding photo for her room. They are her princesses with their princes. AWESOME right?  I also got enlargements of Temples that have special meaning for our family, and those are her “castles”. She has for years called temples “Temple castles”.


She started asking us where the baby was going to sleep. So I told her that her bed goes on top of Regan’s and turns into a bunk, and that the crib would go where her bed was. So she NEEDED us to bunk their beds NOW! (This was months ago.) Her reason being that they needed practice sleeping in bunk beds. So…..011 013 021 026 028 033 067

They were VERY excited to go to bed that night.

068 010They LOVE the beds bunked. This was the day I got them new bedding. They like to lay in bed and chat.


This is our cute crib. Shannon gave it to us since we left ours in Utah when we moved. I had planned on just buying one off Craig’s list when we decided to adopt. Well the deciding to adopt happened much faster than I thought it would. 🙂 But it timed out perfectly for scoring this sweet crib.127 126 123 125

A little princess bling on the plain closet doors. I love all the mirrors. They add so much light to the room.131 132

We have (left to right, top to bottom) the St. George, UT Temple, L.A. Temple, Mesa, AZ Temple, the rendering of the Phoenix, AZ Temple, and the SLC, UT Temple.133And now for a side by side comparison.

BAceilingfan BAclosetDoor BAwallFloorWe like it. More important Kaylee LOVES it. She got her purple princess room and couldn’t be happier.

139And Regan LOVES his mini man cave. 😉

Before and After: Coffee table

Remember how my awesome brother in law GAVE me this awesome coffee table. Well I am finally getting around to my before and after of the refinish project.

I have decided that I need to actually start posting before and after photos of all the crazy things we have done to this house. (The table is IN the house so it counts. Okay.)

We basically gutted this house before we moved in, and have been SLOWLY trying to finish it up ever since.

The before and after photos are fun to help us remember JUST how much work we’ve done. It’s good for days when you are looking around and your eyes can only SEE the half finished work waiting for it’s turn to get loved on and finished up.

pantry 049This is my sad before picture of the table. The kids where sick, so I was taking pictures (because that’s what I do) of my sickies with their puke buckets. It was sadly the best before picture I could find.

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I was half way done sanding the top when Jon came out to ask me if I had taken a before photo. DOH! I was not too worried because I was positive I had a decent one to use. But I didn’t, and that’s okay.

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So I sanded it all down, then I stained just the top a nice dark walnut. And painted the base a light creamy off white that I mixed up from left over paint. I was trying to keep the whole project under $10. Which I did!


I did the rest of the painting in the garage because it got windy outside, and I didn’t want any debris getting stuck on the table. When it was all dry I covered what I needed to on the top with Frog Tape, then cut out my design. I don’t have a cutting machine, or vinyl so the Frog tape was my quick and dirty fix. It worked beautifully.


Then I painted over the whole thing with my lovely shade of (looks better in person) green oops paint. I did two coats of paint, and peeled the tape off when the paint was still wet.


When the paint dried I slapped a bazzillon coats of Polycrylic (about 6 letting it dry between coats) on it to help protect it from the children. And it has. Nail polish come right off. As does sharpie.


I was far too lazy to sand paint and poly the inside. BUT I may actually do it someday. This table gets used and abused, and has held up wonderfully.

We LOVE it so much. It has wonderful rounded corners, is on wheels(SO easy to move for vacuuming!), and the part we like the best is that the top lifts up to be a giant t.v. tray. Great for eating, coloring, crafting, whatever….

The boys (Jon and Josh) like that it matches the area rug. The “matching” was a total happy accident.

The inspiration for this refinishing technique came from here.  When I first told the boys what my plans were, they gave me the “Janice is wearing her CrAzY pants again” look. I get that look often along with the “you have like three heads right now” look.

So I pulled up her site to SHOW them and they where all like, “Oh, okay. What ever you want to do is fine.”

And you know what? They love it.

My oops paint I bought months before on a whim because I LOVED the color, and it was a gallon of nice paint for under $5. So ya, it came home with me even though I have no plane for it yet.

I spent a couple bucks on a teeny tiny sample of stain, and had more than enough. And a couple more bucks on the Frog tape. I came in just under my $10 goal which make me giddy and love this table even more.

I told Jon it’s really more like under $5 since the paint was already at home, and we didn’t count the poly as it was leftover from previous projects. He said, “Suuure….”

E-mails from Jon.

Why the house stinks soooo bad. And boy does it stink. This was after they cleaned the carpets. By the way, by the time we are finished every wall will have been washed and deodorized before being panted. The old carpet and pad is still outside and boy does it reek.

Its all coming out.
