Category Archives: halloween

Play dates and firsts



We got to bring Olivia home with us after school today. Today was Kaylee's first early release day. So she went to school BEFORE lunch, and came home at noon. The children decided on a picnic lunch with a movie and shape puzzles.


The imagination on these three is second to none. I was very amused.


I have a too big Kaylee helmet, and a too big Regan bike laying around waiting for kids to grow into them. Today Olivia was able to put them to good use. This was Regan's FIRST time on his own bike, and I found out later that is was Olivia's first time on a bike as well! She's a natural. I was shocked when Sally told me she had never ridden before. Shocked.




I LOVE that he insisted on his cape, Batman sunglasses and sword for the bike ride. Silly boy.


Regan did NOT approve when I left his side.


Olivia was consistently just ahead of us. She would stop and walk back to us to help Kaylee through the tough spots. She also kept telling Regan he could do it, when he got frustrated. She is such a sweet friend.


We had smoothies when we got back home, and then Regan went down for a nap. So of course the nail polish came out. We did candy corn toes.


Kaylee lived it up getting pampered by us. Olivia really liked be able to do the clear top coat on their nails.


We ended our day of Olivia fun by cutting out a couple of yard bags and taping a skeleton face to the garage door. The girls had fun placing all the creepy teeth.

Wonder Woman

Today instead of cleaning the house I made Kaylee's Halloween costume. I think it was a much better use of my time. The house may not agree…..


IMG_4621To be honest I put the stars on her skirt last night. I am getting a TON of use out of my silhouette! SO SO SO much faster than cutting out freezer paper by hand! Today I dyed, washed, and dried a shirt red, and put the logo on it. Plus made a couple of boots.


Also I still need to make her bracelets. You know, so she can deflect those bullets. I have a plan for those. Should be easy peasy.



Her boots are made out of duct tape. Took me a bout 45ish minutes to do both boots. I cut them off in the back, and her foot just slips in and out. We will just duct tape them on her when we need to.


And she will be rocking her navy blue shorts instead of her black shorts. Because there will be lots of kicking bad guys.




She is pretty fond of her lasso of truth.






Man we are EXCITED about Halloween around here! And you can really see my couple pieces of scotch tape in these last few photos.

Halloween 2012

We started off our festivities with a ward Trunk-or-Treak party. It was so fun.
This year Kaylee wanted to be a scary bat. I lucked out and found her costume at Goodwill for just under five dollars. She was easy peasy this year. Lucky me.
I was going to have Regan wear his Woody pj’s and a cowboy hat and call it good. BUT Uncle Josh thought we should embrace Regan’s love affair with sword play. The idea grew on me and I sucked it up and altered some things found at Goodwill and whipped out a Dread Pirate Roberts costume.
I am SO glad I did. It was so cute!
I found and had Josh order an Inigo Montoya costume. Josh and Regan practiced their fight scene often before the big day. I should have got video. It was pretty awesome.
Eating yummy food before getting candy.
The fight!  Regan wasn’t a huge fan of the gloves or headpiece. People kept thinking he was Zorro. I eventually just stopped correcting them. We did have one of our neighbor gals actually recognize him as Wesley. I think she was the only one though.
One of our ward members had skeleton and coffin in the car.
The children Trunk-or-Treating. This was the Saturday before Halloween.
Halloween night. The children were SO excited to go get more candy. In fact Regan wore his costume to Kaylee’s Dr. appt, that morning, and all day long.
My scary bat and Wesley.
More sword play.
These too looked so good. It had me wishing I would have just done a whole Princess Bride theme.
But since I happily get to borrow my sister’s last year costume and Jon wears the same thing every year we didn’t do a theme. Some time we will though.
This is only their second year doing the door to door thing.
Josh ened up running back to the house to grab the stoller to speed things up a bit.
Two nights of candy gathering and not a single Butterfinger for their Mama! So sad. Meanwhile we have plenty of candy for Regan’s birthday pinata.