Category Archives: Foster

Last day of school visitors.

We are so excited that we get to have Barry time. I mean we took him to lunch after school got out the day he arrived, but still it will be nice having him at our house for a couple of days. 🙂
IMG_6744The kids had their last day of school today and as soon as Barry arrived from Jack’ee’s house he got roped into games. IMG_6746

Can you spot our little Monkey girl? She’s still not super loving life when I hold other babies. Unless she’s being held by someone else. Then it’s okayish. IMG_6751And these two came two! What a great last day of school. Summer is starting off right! 🙂

Hard stuff


So we knew from day one that our sweet kiddos were not meant to be part of our forever family. Our hope was that they would get to go back home and be with their parents again. Well sadly that didn’t happen. It was such a sad day in court when parents rights were severed. Jon and I were the only ones there. I mean of course all the lawyers and case workers were there, but as far as family it was just us. And the judge was all “Foster placement is unwilling to adopt.” Like we were the bad guys…

Going home and trying to tell V what happened at court really sucked. She is SO SO SO mad. She is scared and feeling totally rejected. We have talked with the three big kids from day one about how this was not going to be forever and we have always told V that we will miss her when she goes. But she is super angry that we “don’t want her”, and trying to explain to a four year old that it’s not that you don’t love them or want them, but that it’s just not meant to be isn’t really going very well.

It’s going to be a rough time until she has permanency. We are expecting all sorts of behaviors to be happening more consistently. Lying, stealing, breaking things…. It’s her control in a life situation she has no control in.