Jon has decided to bike Regan to Karate. It's about fiveish miles round trip. Regan LOVES riding to Karate.
Cute little bugger.
Kaylee wanted to take Tap class this year from her dance studio. She had to really sell me on the idea (It was a noise issue for me.), but in the end the free-hand-me down Tap shoes swung things in her favor.
She was super duper excited about her first day ofd tap class.
Waiting five minutes for class to start nearly did her in.
I gotta say my clutzy kiddo was a riot to watch. I couldn't take my eyes off the TV for a second. She only wiped out twice. Woo! She LOVED every minute of her first class.
Until next week.
"Mom can I exercise?" I am trying to teach the children that if it's good and healthy they don't need to ask. Apple for a snack? Read a book? They always ask. But cookies, t.v.? Nope they just go for it.
She kept her yogurt mustache for hours. I love how focused she gets while doing a workout and during her dance classes. I am trying to figure out how to channel that focus into other parts of her life. Like homework……
She is such an awesome kid. "I like to exercise so my body can be healthy and strong."