Category Archives: dolls

Rocking Chair

Grandad (Jon’s Grandpa) is putting together these super cute rocking chairs for the families. We lucked out and got to bring the first one home with us! Carly (Jon’s cute cousin) had painted our family name on it. We LOVE this rocking chair SO much.


She is shushing and rocking her (my old) Monchichi.

The children take turns using it all day long while playing. Before we got this little rocking chair I had been toying around with finding one for them. A friend has one, and Kaylee loved it at her house, and I knew Regan would love it too.

110I am so glad I didn’t find one I liked because having one put together by their GreatGrandad is just so much better!

I know!!!

It’s pretty darn cute right?!?!

I made Kaylee a baby doll sling so she could have her own and leave mine alone. I’ve been trying for months (yes months) to get her to use her sling and not mine. Well last night she finally decided that her sling was pretty cool and that she would wear it. It took me wearing her’s with one of her babies to get her jealous. Anyway she was cracking me up with all her shushing and bouncing (like I do with Regan) after I got her all situated. I love that she copies everything we do. She is such good little Mommy. Maybe she will leave my slings alone now… huh, well maybe not. She’s putting my teal one one as I type this! LOL! 🙂