Category Archives: cousins

Super Bowl

Cassie was being her cutie patootie self during the super bowl.

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I asked her to smile and she stuck out her tongue. LOVE this kid. She is sweet and sassy and funny.

We had the Days over for the super bowl. I mostly wanted to eat all the yummy super bowl food, and decided to make a mini party thing out of it.

We had our usual crazy fun with all six kiddos running around, and ate too much yummy food.

Josh’s birthday

Emily had a party for Josh at her parents house this year. Kaylee and I stayed home sick. But Jon and Regan went had had lots of fun. Here are the photos Jon took.

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Kidos playing.

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And having fun in the “Harry Potter” closet.

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Josh and his awesome cake.

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It’s his age in binary and mega blocks.  It’s awesome!

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I sent Regan with a Regan friendly ice cream cone so he could have dessert too. He really enjoys his “ice cream.”

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I made Josh a Protos (Star Craft) shirt. It was a huge step up from last years gift of mechanical pencils for school.

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Emily got him this sweet vintage print of Star Trek ships. Swoon.

Last days of the trip


We were all so excited for this Christmas vacation/trip. BUT we were most excited to meet the newest member or our clan. Baby Elara is so sweet and perfect. We all fell in love with this little miss.

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We played lots of games. Ate lots of delish food. And visited with lots of family. Great Grandpa even came over for a spell.
Josh and Emily were with us briefly before heading farther up north to visit more family.
This is the only photo I have where at least two are looking. Haha. I am just happy we finally have a picture of Great Grandpa and Regan.
Saturday night these four put on a laser show/dance for us. They were so funny/cute dancing to Grandma got run over by a reindeer.
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It was such a nice Christmas vacation!